Chapter 6

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"No, no, no, no, no!"

"But baby girl its your bedtime. You work early tomorrow. You need your sleep," Joe reasoned.

"I don't care," exclaimed Sofie. "I'm tired of being the good girl and going to bed early, getting up early, working late. I want to play hooky. Call in sick. Say 'screw you' to my job and then ride off into the sunset. On the back of a Harley. A black one, with flames, and we'll flip them off too." Sofie said this all with an air of defiance. Joe sat there patiently and listened to how he was this Harley riding bad boy who always fought "the man" and won. He chuckled to himself. Sofie was in one of her bratty moods. She hadn't had real time off in almost a year. He made a mental note to talk to her about this tomorrow, but for now he needed to figure out how to get her into bed and asleep, or she would be exhausted during the rush tomorrow.

"What if I come read you a bedtime story?"

"Daddy, I'm not sleepy," said an exasperated Sofie. "I don't want to go to bed. I want to stay up with you!" She stamped her foot on the last part.

"Baby girl, I'm just looking after you. Now I'm telling you, get into bed." He said it calmly and firmly. Sofie knew it was an order but she just didn't care. She crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him.

"You better put that tongue away before it gets you a spanking."

Sofie stuck her tongue out even further and wiggled her head at Joe in defiance.

"Alright then. Come here, little one."

Joe took one step towards her. Sofie yelped and took off running down the hallway and into her bedroom.

"Well at least shes in her room. That's progress," thought Joe. Joe slowly opened the door and stepped in. Sofie was sitting on her bed, arms crossed, and currently staring daggers into Joe. She had nowhere to run to, but she refused to just give in.

Joe came over and sat down beside her on the bed.

"Baby girl, you know I'm only asking you to go to bed because I love you and care about you. I don't want you to be exhausted at work tomorrow."

"I know, Daddy. I'm just worn out from work."

"I know. I was going to wait and talk to you about this after work but maybe now is a good time."

"I am not getting more spankings. I've been relatively good-" Joe held up his hand to stop her.

"You're not in more trouble. I just wanted to ask how much time could you take off from work? Seven days?"

"Maybe. If I give them enough advanced notice about it."

"Could you check on it for me? Look for something a month from now."

"Ok Daddy."

"Now then, shall we go ahead and get your spankings over with?"

"But Daddy!"

"No buts. I gave you a warning and you ignored it."

Sofie stood up and walked over in front of Joe. He led her around to the side and gently pulled her down so that she was bent sideways over his lap.

"What's your safeword?" Joe asked. He knew it by heart but it had become habit to always do a check before any sort of physical punishment.

"Lilies," said Sofie.

Content that all was right, Joe pulled back his hand and with a swift motion, thwack!, spanked Sofie right on her butt. He did this four more times. Sofie was going from "oofs" to "owws". A sure sign that it was starting to hurt quite a bit, and Joe not wanting to torture Sofie, stopped. Sofie stood up rubbing her butt and sat down very slowly on the soft bed.

"Good girl." Joe stated. She hadn't pouted at all about her spankings. "Now are you ready for bed?"

"Yes, Daddy," said Sofie wiggling in under her blankets. Joe helped her get comfy, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and asked if she'd like a bedtime story to help her sleep. Sofie eagerly responded yes. She loved listening to him reading. To her at least, his voice was calm and soothing; it was a voice that meant safety and love.

Joe picked out a Winnie the Pooh short story collection and began reading. It took longer than usual for Sofie to fall asleep but Joe didn't mind. He was happy that she was safe and sound in bed and would soon drift off to sleep and pleasant dreams.

The next day, Sofie was a bit tired but overall well rested. She had at least made it through the lunch rush and was winding down and cleaning up her area. She was almost out the door when she remembered her promise to Daddy to check for time off. She went and talked to the manager about it, who said that it was definitely doable as long as she gave at least 2 weeks notice. Sofie texted her Daddy and let him know. He told her to ask for the week after Valentine's Day off. Sunday through Saturday. Sofie did and the manager put it in the computer, looking slightly relieved that she hadn't asked for Valentine's Day itself off. Meanwhile, Joe let his boss know what dates he would need off and was good to go as well. Now they just needed to figure out what to do with the time.

Joe was just finishing up preparing lunch, turkey club sandwich and fries, when Sofie walked in the door.

"Just in time. I have lunch ready."

Sofie sat down at the kitchen counter and tore into her food. She hadn't eaten breakfast and was starving. Joe made himself a plate and they sat there eating and just enjoying each others company. After lunch, Sofie helped Joe do the dishes, and then they both went and sat down in the living room.

"So I had an idea about what to do for our vacation," Joe piped up.


"I was thinking we could go out west to the mountains. Do some skiing before winter ends."

"Oh that would be fun," enthused Sofie. "But can we afford that..." Her voice trailed off as her hand reached up towards her collar. Joe reached up and gently pulled her hand away.

"We can't go too crazy but yes. I think if we do it right, we can afford it." Joe stated with an air of certainty. Sofie trusted her Daddy's judgment and agreed to it. She was actually very excited.

The next day, Joe setup the reservation at a hotel near the resort. It was small and quaint but still quite nice and much cheaper than staying at the actual resort. Their skiing gear was stashed at Joe's parents house. They would stop by there on the way to the hotel and pick it up. Things were looking good so far. Just needed to save money where possible and wait for the day to arrive.

The Little Adventures of Sofie: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now