Chapter 4

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Several months passed and fall was coming to an end. Thanksgiving was just around the corner. Joe and Sofie had made plans to spend Thanksgiving with Joe's parents and Christmas with Sofie's parents. But Sofie wasn't excited for the upcoming holidays. Something else had caught her attention and taken hold. It was Joe. He had been acting unusual. She had tried to shake the feeling but little things he did just felt wrong. Sometimes he would stay a little late after work or he'd get on his phone when he thought Sofie couldn't see. If she walked in the room, he'd quickly lock the phone and put it away. It broke her heart every time she caught him doing it. She couldn't bear to think of her Daddy behaving this way yet here he was.

Thanksgiving came and passed. Joe behaved as if nothing was wrong. Sofie didn't understand how he could act two totally different ways. In one aspect he was still kind, caring, and loving. He gave her attention and never turned her away if she came to him, but what was with all the secrecy? She attempted yet again to push it out of her mind and decided to do some shopping for Joe's Christmas gift. He loved working with wood. He was a carpenter by trade and loved his job, but since moving into the apartment, he hadn't been able to spend personal time crafting anything. Sofie wanted to change that somehow. She went to the hobby store first but all she could find was a wood burning kit or pre-made models to assemble. One clerk was nice enough to suggest going to the nearby hardwood store and looking for woodworking kits. Sofie thanked the clerk and hurried off to the other store.

After asking a nearby store attendant for help, Sofie was lead to an area that had a whole bunch of different kits ranging in size, tools, and price. She explained to the associate what she was needing and after a few minutes, they had it narrowed down to two. One that was a beginners tool kit set which included things like a hammer, screwdriver, sandpaper, glue, nails, screws, and carving knives; and the other one which included mini versions of machines, such as lathes, sawing and milling machines, and an on-hand machine. Sofie couldn't decide which one would be better so she bought both and some wood for him to use. Feeling quite proud of her gift to him, she had actually forgotten all her worries and was simply excited at the prospect of seeing his face when he opened it Christmas morning.

While she was out, Joe had come home and was sitting in the living room. Sofie let out a little scream and told Joe not to look.

Joe laughed and said ok but was preoccupied with his phone and didn't notice Sofie staring at him. She craned her neck trying to peek over his shoulder and see what he was doing but just then Joe looked up, locked his phone, and put it down. He sat there staring at Sofie and asked if she needed something. Sofie could barely think to reply. She managed a "no" and went down the hallway to the bedroom, where she closed the door and started to cry. She tried to forget. She looked for a decent hiding spot for Joe's gifts. She finally settled on an area in the back of the closet behind some old clothes. She could barely see what she was doing however, and as soon as she had them stashed away, she collapsed on the bed and cried some more. She must have been in there for at least 30 minutes because Joe had come back to check on her. She sat upright, wiped her tears away, and determined to get to the bottom of this.

"Come in," Sofie said with a slightly croaky voice.

"Hey baby girl. Are you alright? You've been back here for awhile- why does it look like you've been crying?"

"Daddy," she said mustering all her courage, "I have to ask you something and I hope you'll give me an honest answer."

Joe was taken aback but said that he would always be honest with her and to ask whatever she needed to ask. Sofie talked about how he had been acting suspicious for awhile now, with the staying late and the way he handled his phone.

"Daddy, are you talking to someone else?" As soon as she said it, tears began pouring down her face.

Joe was sat there stunned. "Oh babygirl, I'm so sorry. No. I'm not cheating on you." He wrapped his arms around Sofie and wiped her tears away. "The reason I'm always on my phone is because I'm ordering your Christmas present." Sofie looked shocked and embarrassed. Of course. How could she not have thought of that. Except he didn't act this way before with her gift. So why this time?

As if Joe read her thoughts, he said "I've been really trying to make this gift something special, something magical. I've been in contact with multiple people to make it happen as I have imagined it."

"Oh Daddy," Sofie exclaimed. "I'm so sorry I ever doubted you. Can you please forgive me?"

"Only if you can forgive me for being an idiot and thinking I could be sneaky with your gift."

"Oh of course I forgive you Daddy." Sofie curled up in Joe's arms and rested her head on his shoulder. Her mind was at ease again and now she could be fully excited for Christmas.

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