Chapter 10

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Joe looked sharp in a nice black suit and tie. Behind him stood his brother. Joe glanced around nervously. Everyone had piled in and taken a seat. Up front was Doodles. Sofie had insisted he attend. Some people gave it curious looks. Others were upset that it got such a good seat, and still others just thought the stress had gotten to Sofie and she lost her mind a bit. But that bear had been there from the very first date; it was family now, and so it got a seat like everyone else. Above Joe was an arch wrapped in ivy with pink star gazer lilies at the top. Outside in the Banquet Hall stood the cake. A four-tiered white cake with dark purple bands going around each tier and scattered on each tier was pink star gazer lilies. Joe was getting antsy. Just as he felt he could not wait any longer, even though they were right on time, the music started.

First came the bridesmaids in baby blue off-the-shoulder ballroom gowns. They walked all the way down the aisle and took their place across from Joe and his brother. Then the music changed to that all familiar tune and Joe fixated on the door, waiting to see his wife to be. At last in she came. Joe couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Sofie told him she found the perfect dress and that he would love it. He certainly recognized it, how could he not. He'd seen it quite a lot. Sofie was wearing a beautiful white ballroom gown with sequins hidden in the skirt, that tapered up into a corset style top with lacy, wispy, off the shoulder sleeves. Upon closer examination the sleeves had little glittery butterflies sown into it. It was a replica of Cinderella's famous gown. Her favorite movie and she was getting to live part of it. Her hair was even done up in the same fashion as Cinderella. In her hands was her bouquet; a cascade of white, lavender, and ivory roses and, of course, pink star gazer lilies. Her dress hid her shoes but Joe wondered if she had somehow managed to get glass slippers too. He didn't doubt that she had definitely tried.

Down she walked towards her prince charming, her dad beside her. The walk seemed to take forever. Once up there, she gave him a nervous smile. Joe couldn't help himself. "Nice dress. Are the shoes comfy?" he smirked. Sofie snorted and replied, "probably more comfy than yours." Joe chuckled and took Sofie's hands, and together they turned to face the Justice of the Peace. The room was entirely silent except for a few tears being shed. The Justice of the Peace began by addressing the audience then came the reciting of the vows with Joe following after.

"I, Joe Williams, take thee, Sofie Daniels, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Joe recited it perfectly, never once taking his eyes off of his gorgeous bride. Next it was Sofie's turn. Joe could tell she was nervous. Not about taking the vow but about messing up. But that would just add flavor to the wedding Joe thought and gave her an encouraging smile.

"I, Sofie Daniels, take thee, Joe Williams, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." Sofie let out a sigh of relief that she was pretty sure was easily noticed, but she didn't care. She had taken her vow and done it right. She was so relieved in fact that she almost missed the part where the ring was to be presented. Joe took her hand and slipped on the rose gold lily ring that he had bought for her. She had decided that she didn't want any other ring besides that one.

As he slipped the ring on her finger he spoke very softly and sweetly "with this ring, I thee wed."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" the Justice of the Peace stated. "You may kiss the bride."

Sofie and Joe exchanged a log passionate kiss, before turning towards the audience and heading down the aisle to the Banquet Hall as Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Joe grabbed Doodles on the way out. The rest of the night was spent eating delicious food and cake. Sofie didn't like the idea of smooshing her pretty cake all over her handsome and shiny new husband, so instead she just put a dollop of frosting on his nose and giggled as she ran away. It was a day of many firsts: first dance together, first dinner, first time a teddy bear danced with a bridesmaid. It was a perfect day for Joe and Sofie.


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