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Tallest Purple slowly woke up, feeling a really bad migraine coming up.

He hissed in pain as he opened his purple eyes, clutching his head in pain.

His eyes widened when he realized he was in one of the dark, completely closed off cells hidden deep inside the Massive.

Purple activated the lights in his PAK, illuminating the small, dark cell.

He suspected this cell used to be one of the rooms for one of the Vortians when they used to help build the Massive. It was one of the rooms that had been converted into a prisoner holding cell.

He saw that there were no windows, and the cell door was completely made of a thick, unbreakable metal that stops prisoners from escaping.

He looked around some more and saw that there was a short bed made for Vortians or Irkens, a rickety old desk and chair, and an old torch looking thing that was attached to the wall.

What had Red done!?

Why would he do this to Purple?

He was crazy!

Purple activated the lasers in his PAK and tried to shoot at the door.

Nothing happened.

He tried a couple of more times, hoping that the metal would start to fatigue, anything to give him a sign of escaping.

Purple was breathing hard, the excessive use of his PAKS lasers tiring him out quickly.

He went over to the door and started to inspect around it for fatigue marks.

He sigh when he didn't find any.

He turned around and went over to the desk, hoping to find something from the previous prisoner.

He saw that there were some papers, mainly letters addressed to the prisoner's family members. The letters were all signed by the same name.


Purple got angry and screamed.

No one would hear him though, for the metal cell was soundproof. No one knows he's even here, except for Red, that new General, and the other Irken Soldiers who had thrown him in here.

Purple, angered, grabbed the chair and threw it at the wall.

The old chair broke into pieces, one of them accidentally knocking into the torch that was attached to the wall.

The torch moved, almost falling off the wall.

Purple was confused when he heard a strange clicking noise coming from the torch.

He gasped when he saw a secret passage open up next to the bed.

He slowly walked over to it and peeked inside.

It was a secret passage, a hallway leading to who knows where.

Purple turned his head, glancing at the door, expecting someone to burst in and see the secret passage.

Deciding that no one was coming, he slowly went into the passage, walking down the strange, unfamiliar hallway.

He didn't even know this place existed!

He finally came to the end of the hall.

Peeking through, he gasped in shock and wonder when he saw that he was now standing in a large, secret lab.

Everything appeared to be tinted blue, ranging from different shades. He spotted all kinds of machines and empty vats of blue liquid that looked like they were made to hold alien life forms. He spotted some old machines that looked like they hadn't had power in them for decades. He spotted another door, a large metal one. It appeared to be another hidden passageway that lead to somewhere else.

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