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Gaz was sitting in her room in the dark, laying on her back and looking up at the ceiling. 

What has gotten into her earlier today?

Why had she blushed after Zim had risked, and blew his cover to get her Game Slave back for her from three older boys?

Maybe he was just being a good friend and looking out for her while Dib wasn't there?

Or maybe it was something....deeper?

Gaz shook her head and groaned, covering her face with her pillow.

Why do emotions have to be SO hard to understand?

Gaz then thought.

Maybe if she conducted a test to see if Zim would do more for her, then maybe her suspicions are correct.

But what could she do?

Risk her life multiple times to see if Zim would save her?

Time skip to after school the next day

Gaz couldn't believe she was actually doing this.

She, Dib, and Zim had been walking down the path, leaving school.

Looking up and down the street, she didn't see much traffic.

Maybe she didn't have to do this?

She stopped and watched as Dib and Zim walked across the street first, not even noticing she had stopped following.

Gaz looking down the street to her right and saw a school bus coming down the street.

Gaz smiled, knowing that maybe she would be able to pull this off.

Gaz started walking across the street, pretending to not notice the bus coming full speed down the road towards her.

The bus driver noticed Gaz and blew the horn, trying to slam on the brakes before he could hit her.

Unfortunately, he was traveling too fast in order to stop in time.

Gaz heard her brother scream her name before she felt an unknown force ram into her, pushing the two of them out of the way.

Gaz and the unknown person landed on the ground, Gaz on her back and the unknown human somewhat on top of her.

"Gaz, what in the name of Ir- I mean....Earth were you thinking!? Are you alright?" asked Zim, looking down at her, worried and angry.

Gaz just nodded, blushing at how close their faces are to each other.

Zim huffed and stood up, offering his hand to help her.

She accepted and stood up with his help, brushing herself off as her brother rushed over to see if she was alright.

"Gaz! Are you alright!? Are you hurt!? Did you break anything!? How do you feel!? TALK TO ME GAZ!!! TELL ME IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!" screamed Dib, hyperventilating.

Zim rolled his eyes and punched Dib in the face, causing him to gasp and hold his now bruised cheek.

"Umm, OWE! What was THAT for!?" demanded Dib, glaring at the Irken in disguise.

Zim scoffed.

"I just saved you from getting a heart attack from how panicked and worried you appeared to be getting. You're welcome" said Zim simply, crossing his arms.

Gaz couldn't help but admire how calm Zim was being.

Heck, he was an Irken Invader trained to deal with any situation in any way possible. Of course he would be calm because someone needs to be the level headed one after a near accident like this!

Invader Zim 》Not Just a Defect 《Where stories live. Discover now