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With Zim, Gaz, and Lard Nar 

The Irken, human girl, and Vortian were assigned a room on the Star Chaser, which would only be temporary until they make it to the Massive and join up with the rest of the armada. 

“This will be your room until we join up with the rest of the armada, where you will be transferred to the Massive 1.0-” started General Wronck, but was interrupted when Lard Nar scoffed and rolled his eyes. 

“Why do you call it the ‘Massive 1.0? Why not just ‘Massive’ or something grand? Yes, the Massive 2.0 was completely destroyed after that Florpus Hole incident I’ve heard about, but you don’t have to keep adding a number  to the name! Just call it the Massive!” said the Vortian angrily, crossing his arms and glaring at the general. 

“Yes...of course. I will inform the others to just call it ‘the Massive’, if it pleases you” said the general sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 

Lard Nar huffed but nodded, happy that someone was going to listen to what he said. At least he has a say in some stuff. Normally Irkens would look down upon other alien life forms because THEY are the superior species. 

The general just sighed and shook his head. 

Of course it had to be THIS Vortian. Any other Vortian, but it had to be THIS one. 

“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. Since I came and escorted you to your shared room MYSELF, I wish for you to stay out of the way while the rest of the crew works on maintaining my ship. Get some rest, and if you need anything, just go find one of the guards. But don’t go too far or any restricted areas. It would be suggested, Invader Zim, that you kept a close eye on the Vortian. DO NOT let him out of your sight. I’m just taking extra precautions incase Lard Nar turns out of being a spy and was just pretending to act like a sad pathetic reject who is being hunted down by his own Resistence” said General Wronck, glaring at the Vortian. 

Lard Nar flinched back a little by the hostility in the generals voice. 

Zim saw this and nodded. 

“Thank you general, you are dismissed. I shall keep a close eye on the Vortian as you wish, but I appreciate if you cease the terrible name calling. He is being protected by the Irken/Vortian Empire, and I would like it if he got a little more respect than he deserves” said Zim, glaring at the general dead in the eye. 

General Wronck was surprised that someone was speaking back to him like this, but shook his head and nodded. 

This was the Almighty Invader Zim, Tallest Miyuki’s prototype! 

“Apologies Invader Zim. I will inform the rest of the crew. I hope you have a good stay while on the Star Chaser. If you have any questions, come find me directly” said General Wronck before turning swiftly and marching down the hallway. 

Zim sighed in relief, thankful that he was able to keep the situation under control. The last thing he needed was Lard Nar being put under arrest and in a holding cell because of how aggressive and violent he can get. 

Gaz huffed and crossed her arms. 

“Finally. I’ve been flying Tak’s ship for a while, and could REALLY use some sleep” said Gaz, walking over to the door and pushing the button next to the door. The door slid open and the purple haired girl walked in. 

Zim shook his head and followed in after her, Lard Nar staying close behind and not wanting to get locked out. 

The door slid closed behind them, leaving the three different species in the room. 

Invader Zim 》Not Just a Defect 《Where stories live. Discover now