Chapter 4 Cat Fight, or Bickering Among Friends?

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              "Alya what did you just do?"  Marinette says in annoyance after Chat leaves. 

           "Who me?  I did not do anything, girl."  Alya remarks.

            "Oh, yeah!  Then, why did Chat just leave in a hurry?"  Marinette ask. She thinks it strange that since Alya's arrival everything is been so odd.  

           "I honestly do not know what you are talking about Marinette.  Besides, he likes you!"  Alya says. She laughs when she sees Marinette scowl. She thinks it to be quite amusing.

         "Haha, glad you could get a good laugh at my expense."  Marinette says in a voice that shows her annoyance at once. She is not to happy that Alya makes Chat uncomfortable.  She enjoys his company.  

            Marinette rolls her eyes at Alya.  Alya does the same.  Both girls sit there in silence for awhile.  A few hours later, Alya says, "Mari, do not give me the silent treatment. The least you can do is thank me."

        "Thank you for what exactly?  For chasing Chat away, or for the fact you were flirtatious as ever when he was here?   You did not exactly behave the way I remember."  Marinette retorts.

         "Oh, yeah!  Well, I could say the same for you.  You use to confide me in about anything.  It is not like you told me about Chat! "  Alya says.

        "You did not just blame all this bad behavior of yours on me!"  Marinette remarks. She is clearly angry now.

          "Look, you can read into it whatever you want.   Just know that if you really want a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to then I am here."  Alya says.

          "Well, for your information maybe I do not trust you!"  Marinette scoffs.  She sees Alya give her a look that says good grief girl, chill will ya?

            "Do not trust me.  Ha, since when? "  Alya scoffs back.

             "Ever since you came back!   It is like I do not even know you anymore. The Alya I use to know was the kind who would never try to stand in the way of my friendship with another person let alone a boy.  Also, she did not flirt, wear such lewd clothes and she did not need make up to make herself feel special!"  Marinette blurts out.

            "My clothes are not lewd.  I did not flirt with him.  Fine, maybe I did a little, but as for the makeup, I always wore it, you just never took notice til now, because I only recently started to wear the eye shadow, and mascara."  Alya retorts.

            "Well, maybe if you would behave less like Chloe Bougerious then I would not be so angry with you, right now!"  Marinette blurts out.

           Chat Noir happens to be outside the window.  He hides on the roof though for the moment and overhears most of their arguing back and forth. He groans and thinks, was it a mistake to invite Alya back to Paris, France and into Marinette's life again?  He believes maybe for one even he is a failure.  He has to admit though the part where Marinette said something about "lewd clothing"  was on point.  He did not feel comfortable about the way that shirt Alya has on seems to sag so much.  He wishes she would put on a jacket, a camisole or even a tank top.  

          " I rather be like her than like an immature girl who still wears braids in her twenties!" Alya retorts. 

         "What is wrong with my braids?"  Marinette says.

         From Chat's  POV:

         Braids are cute, but I hate to admit for this part Alya has point.  It is not so much the immature part, how dare she claim this about my princess?  It is just that braids are not so much in style anymore least of all pig tails.  Plus, she is old enough to find new hair styles, right?  Hmm, I think Alya is jealous of my princess?  Yeah, maybe that is it!  Perhaps, the real reason behind her spat with her!  He  chuckles to himself.  He thinks it funny to think that Alya could ever be jealous of Marinette!


     "The braids are more like for children. Besides, you could use a makeover!"  Alya says. She gets out her comestics.  She puts some makeup on Marinette, smiles and says,  "Tada, there, now was that really so bad?"

       Marinette looks in the mirror. She gasps. She can hardly recognize the face in her reflection!  Is this really her or the face of a stranger?  She also, thinks to be honest I like it. Only she reasons, I cannot let her know this.

         "What did you do?  Take that horrid stuff off this instant."  Marinette says.  

           Alya snaps a photo of her, and post it on instagram under the hashtag, #BestieLooksGreatRight #Makeover #Whatdoyouthinkfellows?

         "Whoa,girl!  Your photo already has over 700 comments on it!  A few are from girls in our class, and the rest are from boys!  Is this not exciting?"  Alya squeals.

          "No,it is awful!  I hate boys!"  Marinette blurts out. She thinks, expect for Adrien and Chat that is I do not like boys.

          "Oh, come on Marinette, live a little! "  Alya says.

              From his post on the roof, Chat thinks, so she hates boys does she?  Then, he begins to wonder if she meant all boys, or just some?  How is he to know if she hates him or not. The very thought that his friend, Marinette could hate him makes him feel sad, confused, and uncertain what to do now. He goes home deep in thought.

        "Alya, I do not need a boyfriend!"  Marinette says.

     "Oh, that is right!  you have Chat!  Does this mean you and him are a thing?"  Alya ask. She slurs the word thing way more than what makes Marinette comfortable.

        "Do not be silly, Alya!  He and I are just friends!"  Marinette says. She knows he gave her a kiss on the cheek, but that did not mean anything.  It was only to cheer her up.  Still, she cannot help, but think perhaps, Chat is well someone special to her.

       "Whatever you say girl!  I saw the way he looks at you!  He is smitten as can be!  Now, you cannot possibly deny you feel the same for him!  I mean come on, he is so into you!"  Alya remarks.

       "What?  Alya, you are crazy!  Chat Noir like me!  Ha, as if, he has to many fangirls to choose from already!  I mean at least I think so because he is a hero and he wears leather."  Marinette says. She secretly thinks he is a little cute, but other than this she does not see him as anything else.  She does wonder though why he was the one to show up when she got bad news and to call Alya for her.  

       "Fine, be that way!  Just try to deny you like him and avoid him!  Only, I say it will only make his obvious love for you remain stronger!"  Alya blurts out.

        "Love, who said anything about love?"  Marinette says rather loudly. She believes Alya to be off her rocker.  She thinks, did she drink wine or something before she got here?

        "No one did!  Just forget it girl!"  Alya says.

        Alya picks up a pillow and hits her with it.  Marinette squeals, but picks up the other one and hits Alya back. Soon, the pillows break and the feathers go everywhere.  The girls laugh, high five and then settle in to watch movies just like old times.  Well, almost since Nino is not here to join them.

   to be continued in Chapter  5  Chat the Part Time Spy?



Marinette the orphan:  A  Marichat fan fiction by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now