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Dear Wattpad reader,

Perhaps, you are returning. Maybe you've already read this book. Once, twice, three times. Maybe you've never read it before, and these are the first of my written words that you have ever read.

Either way, welcome. Welcome to Euforemalta.

At least, its remnants.

I began this series when I was just fourteen years old—six years ago, from the time I write this note. It's been a long journey. The eight-chapter excerpt you are about to read is from the final draft of the very first book. The fourth fully completed draft, actually. I have, what you might call, an obsession with my books. So did Tolkien, and look where that got him (I expect a varied amount of opinions on that subject).

My book is long, but I hope you don't find it to be an unpleasant commitment. I've laid it out in a format I hope is Wattpad-reader friendly, dividing up the (long) chapters into chapter parts. You will see the title of the part will be written as follows:

Chapter #, Part # - Character Name

The title gives you information as to which chapter it is in, which part of the chapter it is, and whose perspective it is in. This shortens each part into the smaller segments Wattpad so generously encourages. For those with little time, it will be easy to consume a part or two and carry on with your day without (often) having to stop in the middle of something; for those who consume entire novels in one sitting—often at ungodly hours of the morning—swiping through parts is as effortless as turning pages. I hope each of you finds the layout enjoyable for your reading passions.

This book is one of six books in a series, and it is the only one available on Wattpad. You have been offered the first eight chapters as a gift since I have decided to move forward with self-publishing efforts. If you wish to look into the series further, you may visit my website—the link is located in my Wattpad bio. There, you might find a bit more information that I hope will satisfy you. For those of you who are leery of paying money for my books, first of all how dare you—

I am joking. I totally understand. For those of you who are like me—broke—fret not. There are ways of attaining my books that will cost you very little (discounts and promo codes, my dudes). You need only ask. I'll give you a challenge. We duel. I die a horrible death by your sword. So on and so forth.

And, as I have had people tell me that I have too many main characters (four), I'll briefly introduce them now so that you can know who you're gonna know (and love):





I would describe them for you, however, I exhausted all my words explaining them in this lengthy forty chapter fantasy novel for you guys. Even just writing the names exhausts me now. If I had a dollar for every time I have written those four names in the past six years, I'd be as rich as JK Rowling. Still not as famous, but money doesn't care who you are.

I will stop boring you with my words and continue to entertain you with them anyway as you move on to read this book. Unless, of course, my eccentrics have scared you away. I remain not offended either way.

This introduction has gotten out of hand. I clear the stage. I see you there in the back leaving.

Oh, well. The show must go on.

On a scale of one to ten, how ready are you?

P.S. This introduction is dedicated to the godmother of this series, ChildOfThe1TruKing . Love ya, Tru!

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