Chapter Eighteen

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Eli's POV.

    Despite the burning I get anytime I think of Carlos with Annie , I decided to save my pride and stay put.

It was a good decision because my sister's idea of confrontation is bizarre and Alice no matter who she is , is still a member of my pack and I can't go around 'confronting' pack members just because I feel like it.
Am an alpha and there is so much going on in the pack to waste my time with relationship games.

It has been a long day, with Liz pestering me to go and see what that 'good for nothing skank' is up to, her words not mine and trying to reduce the amount of paper work on my table.
I just want to go home and pretend that none of this is happening right now.

A knock on the door distracted me from my thoughts, I groaned internally, can't someone get a break

"Come in",

I tried my best to sound less annoyed than I was , am not sure it worked but seeing as the person still opened the door it did.

To say I was surprised to see my beta would be an understatement, he has been kind of distant this past few months.

Mason sauntered in with an unreadable expression on his face.
"Hey", he said,
"Hey",I replied
Anytime we greeted each other like this it meant that we were no longer alpha and beta to each other but we were now best friends from diaper days .

He was quiet and didn't say anything else.
"Are you okay?", I asked worried.
He just nodded.
"Would you like to join me for a drink, I have something to discuss with you.", he said.
"Sure , let me just finish up here", he nodded and left.
I stood up , and tidied up my desk haphazardly.
Took my phone and went to look for mason.

Our walk to the bar was very quiet, I tried raising a few conversations but I only received short answers, it was like he wasn't even here and I kept wondering what was going on inside his head.

When we got to the bar, the atmosphere was still the same until after a few drinks, then we both loosened up and started to reminisce about our childhood and all the trouble we always got into. We laughed and almost even got into a fight with some guys at the bar, the night was fun, I missed those days when we were just two goofy boys trying to figure themselves out, those days before life happened and responsibilities befell on us.
We drank a lot but not that it made a difference it was hard for a werewolf to get drunk.
As the night moved on, mason didn't say anything about what he wanted to say to me, I also didn't press, maybe he just wanted company.

The night was still and calm, the moon was crescent and shining brightly. We both walked in silence, each to our thoughts , I was thinking about the full moon coming next week when mason broke the silence.

"Do you remember that time when we ran away from home because we wanted to experience an exciting adventure and then we got lost.", he said looking at me but I couldn't see his face clearly.

Of course I remembered but why did he bring it up, we were so stupid when we were young.
"Yes, we were eleven, gods we were so stupid", I replied smiling at the memory.

"Yeah , we spent a night in the forest and because we still couldn't shift we were so cold , I had to cocoon you because you were so tiny." He said again

"I was eleven, of course I will be small", I replied
"Nah, you were too small, so tiny", he said chuckling.
"Am getting slightly offended", I huffed.

"Don't worry it didn't matter because that's were it started ".
"What started ", I asked curiously
He didn't reply, after some seconds I thought he wasn't going to say anything.

"My feelings for you", he replied .

I stopped , I was confused , he must have seen my confusion.

"Yeah that was when I started seeing you as more than a friend or a brother"

We were both quiet and I was trying to let what he just said sink in.
When did this happen I was so sure that mason was straight let alone have feelings for me maybe he just drunk , who am I kidding. God am not in the mood to have kind of conversation.

I didn't say anything and tried to walk pass him but he drew me back against him and encircled his arms around my waist.
"Are you just going to leave like that without saying anything ", he said angrily.
"Well what do you want me to say, I have a mate, who will very much not like this ", I said my voice laced with confusion and annoyance at his hands on me .
I wasn't expecting this at all.
"He is not your mate ", he growled.
"Pardon?", is he crazy ? .
"He is not your mate and he will never be ", he repeated .
I was angry now, how dare he call me out here to harass me and make me listen to this bullshit.

"Let me go mason", he didn't
"Let me go ", I said again using my alpha voice , this time he did.
I made to walk away , but I was dragged back and before I could react I felt pain on my neck that was crippling, I felt my body loose all it's energy, I cried out using my last ounce of strength I clawed him on the shoulders , when he let go I fell to the floor in a heap
I snarled at him, my wolf was going haywire.
"Am sorry Eli, but it had to be done " , was all he said before taking off.
The asshole had bit me.
My whole body was sore as if I was hit by a trailer.

I didn't have the strength to think so I sat there with my mind blank for half an hour until I regained part of my strength and then I stood up dragged myself home .

Carlos will kill me.

A/N: I know it's been long but am trying, settling has not been easy.
But I will try to keep the updates coming and don't worry I will finish this book.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter .

PS: you know what to do.

Love ya😘

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