introduction and character bio.

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So here's how things will go..
" Is for speaking". (Thinking)
*Pov change*/Authur note/ everyone got it? this is a girl only fic but guys can read to:-).
Above is Sapphira just take away make up and add blue eyes./yes I know she's from league of legends./
Name~ Sapphira Hofferson
Age~15 at first/18 later
Hair~long golden blonde
Eyes~ sapphire blue
Dragon~changewing can't think of a name yet.
Likes~ Being alone/emo right?/hanging out with hiccup and ruffnut drawing cooking and dagur
Crush~hiccup/ till he says he likes Astrid/ Dagur /after he saves her/
Dislikes~ Astrid/at first/ snotlout /annoying/ parents /may never get better/ dragon hunters.

As the youngest of the hofferson name Sapphira is already the black sheep her parents often forget she's there Astrid makes fun of her for being week she hates her life just to stay away from home she helps gobber and hiccup at the forge helps hiccup with his inventing she develops a crush on him but not long after he got toothless and faced the red death and lost his leg she wanted to tell him how she felt only to see Astrid kiss him right in front of the whole village. Weeks later she asked him how things were /hoping he didn't have feelings for her sister/ but he said things are great and he really likes Astrid she just smiled and said she was happy for him. Later at home again Astrid was getting all the attention and Parise for helping stop the dragons/even though it was mostly hiccup/ finally seeing her they say when are you going to get a dragon? Why don't you be more like your sister and make something of yourself? She couldn't handle it and Walked out of the house and walked to the other side of the island and look at the ocean remembering she can't swim ( this is  it I'm done Astrid has everything I won't be missed they barely know I exist even though I came out of mom to she got all the gifts all the love all the praise all the friends all the adoration she has the guy I liked. Maybe I'll be reborn someone else who can stand up for herself.) Closing her eyes she jumped to the water and begin to lose air then blackness.........

Read chapter 1. To see what happens.

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