Chapter 1.Dagur The Deranged

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/who read the intro?? Cuz I'm picking up where that left off./
                     And so it begins.

*Dagurs pov*
After we docked my men got off the ship and walked around waiting for my brother or stoick to show up out of the corner of my eye saw something or rather someone floating in the water on the other side of a large bolder if anyone was looking you wouldn't be able to see. I quickly got over there and pulled the person out only to find it was a girl her lips are blue I laid her down and pumped her chest before she shot up turned to the side and puked up water. "God's are you gonna be ok? What the hell were you thinking?" I asked her while she was gasping for air she turned and looked at me " I'm sorry I was looking at the ocean and I slipped and fell in."she replied looking at me I wanted to tell at her call her stupid why the hell would you stand that close to the edge instead" are you going to be ok?why didn't you swim to shore?"I asked she stared at me shocked at what I asked " I..I..I can't s.. swim" she said looking away ashamed I snapped at her "WELL WHY THE HELL WERE YOU STANDING THAT CLOSE TO THE EDGE?? I yelled at her she flinched and backed away a bit " I didn't think I'd fall sorry to inconvenience you I'll be going now thank you" she said and took off running towards the village. (Damnit I shouldn't have yelled. I should have asked her name dagur you idot ) I walked back to my men just in time for stoick and hiccup to show up I won't say anything about what happened.
*Sapphira pov*
God's who was he? He was cute kinda crazy looking but cute and he actually saved me I don't think anyone here would have or even noticed that I was gone. Hmm oh well he'll get one look at Astrid or one of the other girls and forget me. After walking to goober work shop I noticed that there's a lot of fuss going on "hey gobber what's going on? Why's everyone rushing around?"I asked him he looked at me shocked I raised a brow at him" you mean you don't know? The berserker tribe is here to resign the peace treaty we just heard that Oswald is dead and his son dagur the deranged is the cheif now and if they find out about the dragon it could mean war for berk." He said I could sense the panic in his voice ah well then"so all the dragons are hidden?" I asked" yes to the best of our abilits right now hiccup and stoic are giving him a tour so let's hope no one does anything stupid" he replied (with snotlout and the twins? Good luck.) I herd a familiar voice I turned to look only to see stoick hiccup and :O (oh God's that's the new cheif he's the one who saved me.oh don't say anything) I plead to myself they walked up " Ahh gobber Sapphira meet then new chief of the berserkers dagur" said stoick(I didn't even know he knew my name) " Sapphira here is an amazing blacksmith helps me with my inventions to" hiccup said smiling at me (god he's adorable why did he like Astrid?) I thought. " Nice to meet you Sapphira." When he said my name I felt a jolt to my heart I forced blush Anyway" let's get this signing going" he said to stoick who nodded dagur glanced back at me I gave a small wave he gave me a grin and went on." What was that??" Gobber asked me with a Disturbed look and an arched brow " What?"I asked "what was that do you know each other?"" Uhhh no I don't think so" really? that blush and lack of eye contact says otherwise lass" he said making my cheeks redden more I looked away trying to find a new subject then "uhm the zippleback is loose"I said pointing to barf and beltch. "Ohh Thor that's not good" he said panicked"I'll go tell hiccup you see about getting it put up" I said he headed towards the dragon I ran to find hiccup.
After asking snotlout he said they are in the great Hall I rushed there.
*Dagur pov*
I'm disappointed that there's no dragons facing brother hiccup stoick showed up to work on negotiations I herd the door burst open only to see that girl again what was her name Sapphira right? She rushed over to hiccup and whispered something the look of shock came over his face " uhh dad I gotta go snotlout and the twins are causing chaos" "all right son good luck dealing with them" he said not surprised I arched a brow not believing a word of it. He and beautiful Sapphira rushed out not long after one of my men yelled zippleback we ran out and saw it " Hahahaha finally a dragon and a zippleback to luck really is on my side today" I yelled ecstatic /FF>>> I'm to lazy to write the whole thing after the  treaty is considered signed and the berserkes leave/
*Sapphira pov*
While the berserkers are leaving dagur looked at me and winked I blushed at this and smiled and waved (he's cute something totally different from hiccup) I thought I wonder if they will be back??

/Huh?huh? How was it feed back is always appreciated thank you/
P.S I just made a few updates cuz I realized I did not put the k in the end of stoicks name and my phone made gobber goober so fixed it.

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