Chapter 2. Talk and kiss??

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/so are y'all liking this so far? I'm only planning on defender's of Burk for 2 or 3 chapters then race to the edge.
This is the night and the fury. Also since you are not a dragon rider you only know bits and pieces of what's happening you spend most of your time in the woods/
One more thing I'm running off what im reading on httyd fandom (wiki) cuz I haven't seen the defender's of Burk in years so that's why it's mostly Sapphira.and my own twist on things.

*Dagurs pov*
I've spent the last several weeks thinking about that girl Sapphira I've thought and considered going back to visit but with what reason? So Everytime I get ready to say let's head to Burk I stop and walk back to my house. But now now hahahaha I have a reason I've herd a night fury has been spotted on Burk multiple times so this is it talk to the girl kill a night fury." All right boys time to head out"

*Sapphira pov*
After getting into it again with Astrid I decided to go to gobber's and get some work done."What's wrong lass?" Gobber asked "nothing just the usual Astrid parents life sucks" I responded he came over and padded my back "it'll all work out lass your to young to think that way why not go and enjoy the day go for a hike I know you like the woods" he says ( it's sad when my employer knows more about me than me family does) none the less I take his advice and pack a small lunch and head out. {2 hours later}
Im sitting there staring at the cove it's a nice quiet place to just relax/ the cove where hiccup found toothless/
I built a small hut here got everything I need single bedroom an outhouse small kitchen all just for me. I honestly spend more time here than anywhere else I only go to the house if a bad storm is coming. Laying there with my feet in the water I herd rustling behind me I grabbed my sword just in case then someone comes out of the bushes"I hate thorn bushes what purpose do they serve anyway? ...hello? Great" the guy looks behind him and sees no one is there " Thorn bushes are meant to protect nature and animals" I say to him he jumps a bit and looks at me (oh he pulled me out of the water Dagurs I think his name was)/it still is sweetie/. " Oh hey Sapphira right?" He asked I nodded yes he walked over to me and smiled"So I have a question can you answer it for me?" He asked" sure" " ok good why were you near the water if you can't swim " he asked I froze and looked at the cove "uhhh right now?" " Yes right now" he says flashing a wicked smile " the waters not that deep here it only goes up to the middle of my waist" I said " oh ok then mind if I join you for a while?" He asked me" sure it'd be nice to have company for once" I said mumbling the last part " What's that?" He asked"nothing have a seat" I offered him the spot next to me as he sat down I glanced over at him he looked nervous I wonder why he took his helmet off and I noticed he had long red hair tied in a braid and emerald green eyes ( they are so pretty) I thought" Soo is this what you do for fun?" He asked suddenly startling me out of my thoughts I blushed and glanced away " uhhmm" " don't you have friends or something?" He asked " I I..I'm not really liked much among the other teens here I have an older twin Astrid and I had a friend it's kinda up in the air right now tho" I said I looked over at him " hmm Astrid Astrid that oh wait a minute she's the one who follows brother hiccup around like a lost dog right?" He said I looked at him shocked also trying not to laugh/someone here thinks that right??/ "Yeah that's her" I say "honestly I'd never have guessed that you two are twins you look nothing alike except for the blonde hair yours is a bit darker though" he said still thinking (great he knows and remembers her so much for that) " honestly I think your a lot prettier than she is" he said mostly to himself I stared at him ( What??😱) He looked away I noticed his cheeks were red and he cleared his throat. I didn't know what to say I'm shocked my heart is racing my face feels like it's on fire (I've only been called pretty by hiccup once but I didn't feel like this why is my heart beating so fast? What's wrong with my stomach it feels flippy? I may have to see gothi )/uhh I'll correct that later if it's not right/. " Umm thank you " I finally managed to get out he looks at me and smiles not a crazy one I've seen so many times but a shy kinda crooked one " so what brings you all the way out here" I asked him " um well I herd a night fury was spotted on Burk several times so we came to hunt it" he says ( toothless) I scream in my head before I could say anything he does "we haven't found it yet" (oh thank Odin) " so we went searching and we got separated then I found you." He said {1 hour later} we were still talking laughing he told me a story about some guy who tried to sell his dad a Skrill hide but was actually black bore hide with scales glued to it. I told him about the time the twins tried to prank gobber and got there hands locked on steel mitten cuffs for 2 days/ not stuff that actually happened/ Everytime he talked or laughed my gut started flipping again.looking up it was about noon now I remembered my lunch I packed 2 sandwiches and 2 jugs of water just in case I was out here longer than expected" are you hungry I have an extra sandwich" I asked " uhm sure thank you" he said as I passed him the sandwich it's nothing special just smoked pork lettuce tomato as I said nothing special though he acted like it was the best thing he ever ate after we finished I passed him a jug of water he thanked me again" it really is nice here quiet" he said " ya it's a nice place to just get away" I said he looked over he looked like he wanted to ask me something but let it go I already guessed what it was " I don't get along with my sister or parent's Astrid is the golden child and I'm just there" I said let's looking down " I'm sorry that's gotta suck " he said not sure what to say I chuckled" you know they forget I'm even there most of the time? It's why I have a house built here then I can just stay here for days without being bitched at by my parents or sister" I said ( Fuck why am I venting I never vent to anyone) " That's stupid what's Astrid got that you don't?" He said ( huh yeah what does she got what makes her so much better than me ) I thought I was starting to get angry " the way I see it is you work at the forge your smart nice a bit bossy and your way prettier than her she's probably just jealous and has to make you feel bad to make her feel better" he said I looked at him shocked and I don't know what came over me but I kissed him ......😵

/Sorry Cliff hanger it was getting to long I hope y'all like this one I'll try to release a new chapter every few days thank you for reading..😍 Also I feel like everyone does the yandere dagur but I feel like he just wants to be loved but doesn't know how to act or respond to the acceptance thing so if he seems kinda soft here just remember he's only like 16 here./

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