chapter 7 1/2 filler.

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/just a little something I realized I left a lot of gaps in the story so I'm making a few shorts till I can get shit situated here looking for a job and well adult stuff 😨so here's 2 shorts story's/

~3 years ago 2 months after dagur went to prison~
Sisterly bonding.
"Ok now just cover the seed and give it water and water it every 3 days and in a weeks we'll have sprouts and eventually carrots" sapphira said to her sister who's now covered in dirt sapphira laughed at her and Astrid just wiped her hand on Sapphira's face leaving a dirty hand print "ok now when do we start cooking I'm getting tired of being made fun of for not being able to cook or bake " said Astrid annoyed " we can start with bread and a stew after we clean up don't want to have any dirt in our food we start the dough after and head to the market and get some veggies and a slab of meat maybe venison stew? And when we get back the bread dough will be ready to kneed and proof once more and then we bake and eat. Sapphira explained "sounds good sis" Astrid said sapphira blushed still not used to being called sis.
(1 hour later)
In town.
The sisters walked side by side looking at veggies while sapphira explained how to pick good veggies and fruit from the unripe and bad ones" so that explains why I always got a bitter barry then."Astrid said sapphira laughed" hey there's some fresh barry's around the cabin we could make a barry pie" she said Astrids face lit up " that sounds awesome" they finished buying veggies and a bit of sugar and salt anf headed to the butcher to get meat "hi do you by chance have any venison?"sapphira asked the butcher looked at the two girls " I sure do how much do you need?" He asked " maybe a pound or no make it 2 pounds and we need 3 full chickens as well please" sapphira said the man nodded and got there order Astrid paid he handed them there meat " here you go las not gonna lie it's odd seeing the tow of you together" he said " you're not the only one " said a familiar voice they turned and saw stoic hiccup snotlout and spitelout the voice belongs to snotlout. " Hey guys what are you up to?"asked hiccup " me and sapphira are having a sister day what are you doing?" Astrid asked him " oh uhh dad's checking the stores and stalls to make sure the village is well stocked and he's showing me the ropes these to are coming over for dinner" hiccup said annoyed at the last bit Sapphira gave him a sympathetic smile and he gave an awkward grin stoic Wes talking to the butcher behind us " and by the way snotlout what's wrong with me spending time with my sister" she said a bit mad he trying to sound tough because his dad's here " it's just odd we all thought you two didn't like each other I mean come on she can't even fight he laughed at the last bit his dad shook his head and pinched his brow" he said Astrid walked up mad hiccup just moved aside " we like each other fine not that it's any of your business snotlout we just didn't have much in common now we're trying to do things together I'm teaching her to fight and she's teaching me to garden and cook now if you'll move aside we have bred and stew to make" she snapped at him and everyone just stayed quiet "ahem well then we'll be off " stoic said and draged hiccup out with him snotlout moved aside and we left I ran to catch up with Astrid" I'm not gonna lie but I love how you can scare the crap out of boys especially snot lout " sapphira said giggling Astrid joined in and they laughed most of the way back. Once back they kneed the bread dough and make a pie crust and add the barry's and sugar and put the remaining pie crust on top and get it in the oven and start the broth for stew adding salt pepper a pinch of sugar and some herbs sapphira already had dried / it's sage and lemongrass/ then they washed the veggies and chopped them and added them to the pot/ carrots potatoes leek/ and then cubed the meat and put in a skillet with lemongrass and sage and thyme and cook it with a bit of butter once brown and almost fully cooked added it to the pot with the juices in the pan and let it cool for about 45 minutes. Then they put the bred in the oven all while sapphira explained how tos and what tos. ~ and hour later~
Astrid cooked and gave stormfly the 3 chickens and the dragon is now asleep the stew is done and so is the bred and pie sapphira gets two bowls cups and plates knives forks and spoons and a bowl of butter they set the table and get a bowl of stew and a slice of bread " mmmm this is soooo good " Astrid exclaimed blissfully sapphira gave a mmm-hmm in agreement while they are they ate small talk about random things other recipes to try plants and the best way to grow em. After they finished they had a slice of barry pie when Astrid asked" hey umm what drew you to dagur if you don't mind me asking?" Sapphira sat there and thought for a second" well I'm not really sure he's cute and completely different when it's just us the first night he was here trying to find dragons we talked for hours the odd thing is everything gobber and hiccup warned me about like him being dangerous or Scary or well crazy which I won't lie he is sometimes the crazy bit is kinda funny the dangerous part was not gonna lie a bit of a thrill plus you have to be tough to be a chief especially for the berserker tribe.and I was only scared once when he yelled at me for nearly drowning other than that nothing things also happened and moved really fast it seemed." Sapphira explained to her sister who was on her second piece of pie and on the edge of her seat eyes wide and like she was reading a intense romance /she may as well be🤣🤣🤣/
"Are you ok Astrid?" She asked Astrid quickly went back to her normal seated position and sat the now empty plate down "ahem yes I'm sorry for everything I wish I could take you to visit him " he said sapphira smiled sadly" it's ok hopefully someday we'll see each other again" he said and they hugged and made more small talk before going to bed Astrid stayed the night.
(Hiccups pov)
Sapphira seems to be a bit happier lately her and Astrid have been spending a lot of time together now and anyone who says anything about it get a verbal bitch slap from Astrid sometimes an actual smack to mostly snotlout. I headed to gobber's shop figured I'd get a bit of work in and make toothless a new tail. " Ohh look who decided to show up for once" gobber said sarcastically " ha ha ha very funny gobber I've been busy all week with dad trying to show me how to be a good and strong chief " I said the last part copping my dad's voice and then got to work. About an hour later sapphira walked in " hey gobber hiccup" she said all smiles" h- hey sapph  h-how's your g going day... I mean How's your day going" I said awkwardly gobber looked at me like I was crazy " I'm great I just came in to get my satchel I forgot it earlier it was nice seeing you I gotta go me and Astrid are going to train in the arena." She said quickly and took off I just waved " you alright there lad you sounded like you were underwater too long" he said " I'm fine I'm just tired" I said quickly and embarrassed " uhuh sure we'll I'm planning on closing early so why don't you get some sleep if you're really that tired" gobber said and walked off for once he didn't try teasing me.
Hour later I was at home trying to focus on anything but it wasn't working my thoughts kept going back to sapphira she's so pretty that smile and those eyes. I have no clue what's wrong with me I like like Astrid don't I we've kissed a few times but I have no clue if we're a thing or not shes really confusing.(am I in love with sapphira?) " What??no no I'm not! maybe?? Aughh" I said to myself confused I need to work this out soon...

/Sorry hiccups was short but I'm in the bath and it's where I do my best thinking usually about life but this time how to train your dragon 😂/

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