Chapter 2

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I just wanted to let readers know that this book will contain serious subject matter and graphic content. The story will still flow properly and make sense. I just wanted to put this warning out there and give you guys a heads up.

Ethan's P.O.V

I tackled him into a quick hug and sprung to my feet. Luckily for me my 20th birthday just so happened to fall on a Friday but I still had classes to attend beforehand. "Alright! Well I have my Ap Physics and Bio then I'm gonna head back and get ready. Ahh! I can't wait it's gonna be great"
"Man if I didn't know how much you adore birthdays I'd be scared you're on something right now" Grayson said with a chuckle
"Whatever man" I said teasingly "I know you have a packed day just be ready by 9"
"Ok dude, see you later"

I went on my way, I know some people here and got plenty of birthday wishes which of course I appreciated but the main people I wanted to spend today with I'd see later.
I finally finished my long lectures and made it back to my place by 5 pm. Grayson was still out so I had the place to myself and a couple hours to kill. I responded to some birthday texts and calls and ended up accidentally passing out on the couch.
I woke up at 7:52 to a call from Grayson. So naturally I answered immediately.

"Hello?" I said groggily
"Hey E, I'm sorry I'm not home yet they asked my to stay late at the cafe. I'm not even gonna get out of here till 9:30"
"You bailing on me?" I said mostly joking and with a chuckle
"No! No. Of course not. I would never. I'm just calling to let you know I'm gonna be late and that I'll meet you at the bar. That ok?"
There was a pause in my response so Grayson continued
"You're upset."
"No Gray, I get it. You know I just want you to be there. I'll head out with the guys in a bit and you just text me when you're on your way."
"Thanks man." I knew he was smiling I could hear it in his voice.
"Have fun but not too much without me" He said playfully. "I'll let you know when I'm on my way"
"See you later"
"See yah" I ended the call with a smile. Even though I was bummed but there wasn't much that boy could do that wouldn't still have me smiling like an idiot so on that note I started to get ready.

I stared at myself intensely as I was standing in front of my mirror, my hair was blow dried into my typical do, I was wearing a form fitting button up black shirt with my sleeves rolled and my favorite pair of black jeans that I knew fit my ass just perfectly. It was my birthday after all. I have to dress to impress. I decided that I was very pleased with how I looked so I sprayed my favorite cologne on and met the guys downstairs.

"Hey guys" I said
"Hey" the four of them said in unison as they greeted me individually with a hug and smile hello.
"Where's Grayson?" Andrew asked first
"He too straight for us to queer it up at the bar now?" Jason said with a heavy smirk
I laughed at his comment.
"No. He got held up at work but he's gonna meet us there in a bit."
They nodded in response which was promptly interrupted by Frankie screaming "what are we still doing here and why are we still sober, we have a 20th birthday to kill. I swear if we're not all shitfaced and knocked off our asses by the end of the night then we're doing things wrong. No saying no to shots tonight you guys! That's pussy shit! And we all know just how much none of us like pussy." He said already noticeably tipsy. "Well except for Tatum and Grayson." Being that Grayson wasn't with us tonight we all turned our amused attention to Tatum leaning against the wall.

"Chill dude, I won't pussy out of shots. I know my liver can take it. It's Ethan we all know who's gonna pussy out." Now all the attention was back on me.

Now while the gay bar was my idea and I was really looking forward to it I must admit that I'm not a shot taking kind of guy. I like going to bars and clubs to dance, let loose and maybe meet new fucks. I still wasn't a monogamous kind of guy. It wouldn't be fair considering that my heart belongs to Grayson so in my entire life I've yet to be in a committed relationship

" E, Earth to Ethan" Jason said breaking me from my thoughts. "You good dude?" "Yeah. Yeah." I cleared my throat.
"So are you gonna pussy out or do your 20th right??" Frankie shoulder bumped me as we walked. I looked at the four of them as they stared at me with expectant eyes.
"Alright. Alright. No pussy shit tonight. Scouts honor." I held up my fingers as I mockingly did the Boy Scouts sign and receive laugh and pats on the back from the others. What did I get myself into?

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