Chapter 15

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Ethan's P.O.V

Did I just mean nothing to Grayson? Was I just some experimental fuck to him. No... I couldn't have been. There was passion there. Right? I couldn't have just imagined that. I guess passion doesn't have to mean anything. He said it himself, he's not even gay. This sure didn't mean something to Grayson it seems. He just let Morgan go on and on about getting back together and say all that rude shit. He knows how much I didn't like her and how insecure she makes me feel then he goes and says he's not seeing someone. Now that fucking hurt. That's coming from a guy who's been fucked over plenty of times by men. I've been cheated on, used and literally abused. But this fucking stung, deep.

Now I'm wandering campus alone and upset. I'm not even wearing real shoes. I left in slippers. My fuzzy indoor slippers, pajama pants a ratty loose fitting worn band tee and my thinnest jacket. It's cold out. But I left in a huff so I grabbed what I saw first. Not my smartest move but guess I'm stuck with it now.  I don't even know where to go. Its Saturday so I don't have class. I had plans with Gray. Had. Wow. That's really frustrating. I worked so hard for days and put so much thought into tonight. I was gonna treat him to a nice dinner, a movie he's been wanting to see but hasn't gotten around to because of me and then to end the night, Hockey. He loves hockey, more than football and lacrosse even. He doesn't play it nearly as much as he wanted to because our high school didn't have a team for it and our college doesn't either. Plus he had to spend his downtime practicing the grueling sports he was already committed to. I bet he can't even remember the last time he played. Guess all my hard works gonna go to waste tonight. What a fucking shame.

I come back from being lost in thought and realize that my feet have been moving across the campus unconsciously. I look up at the building I unknowingly walked myself to and realized it's the apartment building where the guys live. Oh crap the guys. I hadn't spoken to them much since my birthday, only seeing them here and there. They asked Gray and I to hang out all the time but they asked less frequently when they saw how unresponsive I was and they left Gray out of too. They see us as a package deal because well we pretty much are. Were a package deal I mean.

Just as I'm about to ring the buzzer someone walks out and lets me in. I make my way up to the second floor as just stare at apartment 2D
and there names decoratively taped across it. Jason, Frankie and Tatum. Will they even want to see me. I inhale a shaky breath deeply as a surge of courage courses through me and ring their bell. I hear laughter and ruckus approach the door as it swings open not even a second later. Then suddenly all their happy noises come to a stop as they take in my presence. What a sight I must be right now.

Of course all four are there. Even Andrew who doesn't even live with them. Just my luck. This is way more interaction than I'm prepared for. I gulp noticeably as they still stare at me with bewilderment in their eyes.

"Ethan!" Frankie screamed pulling me into a tight hug not giving my injuries (which were almost completely healed) any thought. "We thought you died man. Ah shit sorry. Still in pain?" Before I could even respond Andrew peeked into the hallway "hey where's Grayson,  I need to give him back his xbox that he leant me. I wanna mess with him and tell him it's his birthday gift" He said with a hardy laugh.
"He leant you his xbox?" I said throughly confused.
"Yeah he said you needed your sleep after the accident but apparently the noise was keeping you up. Since the boys and I couldn't come over he leant it to us for a bit. Still don't know how that bothered you all the way from your room though." Tatum said patting Ethan on the back.

That's right. The first few days after my attack anything kept me from sleeping. Even the light to his xbox.. I hadn't even noticed he took it out of his room. He loves that thing and he leant it to the boys..for me?

"Ethan? Earth to Ethan?" Jason says snapping in front of my face jokingly taunting. "Where'd you go man, you zoned out for a bit there. You good?" Jason insisted on knowing.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm good. I just blocked a lot out from after the accident. Took me a bit to remember." Which was my honest answer.

"So where's Grayson? Andrew asked again. "He on his way?"

"Um." I said sitting down on their couch.
They all stared at me intently wanting to know my response.

"Grayson and I had a bit of a fight."
"What? You and Grayson never fight. This has got to be one big misunderstanding. The boy loves you to death he would never want you mad at him." Frankie said immediately
I didn't respond. I just kept my gaze on the floor fiddling with my fingers wondering how much of the truth to tell them.
"E. What happened?" Tatum asked gently. Why did my legs take me here if my mind is dreading answering this question. So I did the best I could with the simplified version.
"It was about Morgan."
"Morgan? Grayson's high school ex Morgan." Jason asked bluntly.
"She came back in town recently and she wants Grayson back. Plus I really don't like her."
"What's the big deal? It's his high school ex. That couldn't have been serious right?" Tatum asked nonchalantly.
"Not serious. She was his first love. They stayed together for 3 whole years. He lost his virginity to her for fucks sakes!" I slightly yell now, feeling overwhelmed.
"Oh shit." Andrew says.
"You're in love with Grayson."
"I fucking knew it! I fucking knew it. Pay up boys!" Frankie screams practically doing a happy dance. Meanwhile he's just met with glares from all of us.
"'s not the time for that.." Frankie said shrinking back into his seat.

"You guys placed bets?"
"It was a little obvious bro." Tatum says.
"Andrew and Jason where holding out hope though."

Great now everyone knows. Why'd I have to tell Grayson. I knew putting my feelings out there was idiotic.

"Grayson loves you too." Tatum says catching us all by surprise.
"What?" I say sounding very confused.
"Oh come on. It's so fucking obvious. We all see the way he looks at you. The way he treats you.-"
"Yeah because I'm him best friend."
"Oh come Ethan think about these last six weeks."
I froze and began to panic, what's that supposed to mean? Did they know? How could they possibly know?
They noticed my uneasiness and chimed in before I responded.

"He dropped his whole life to take care of you man. I know it was a bad car accident but you're fine. Yet he won't leave you alone for a second." Frankie said mater of factly.

Oh right, car accident.

"We get why you haven't been around much, you've been recovering. We also get why Gray hasn't been around much either. In fact we've might've even seen you more than him because he's so damn busy doing things to make sure you're okay." Frankie continued

"But Morgan-

"Go talk to Gray." Andrew and Jason said in unison, Jason with exasperation in his voice and Andrew excitement in his.

As if on cue we're all startled by a loud desperate knock on the door where all our attention is now focused.

Again Frankie goes to answer it not asking who it is. He stands there with the door held open and an unreadable look on his face.

"Ethan. It's for you."

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