Chalter 6

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It had been about a week since Ethan's attack. He's barely left Grayson's bed. He has no appetite and severely struggled to get out of bed to even go to the bathroom. Grayson's been trying to force feed him but at this point the most he can do is keep Ethan hydrated.

Ethan's still is in no mood to be touched so Grayson is in bed next to him keeping his distance. He is currently working on his and Ethan's homework. While Ethan has stayed home all week, Grayson has gone to all of Ethan's classes and has gotten his work, telling the professors that Ethan's been sick. Knowing full well that Ethan is in no condition to actually do his work Grayson has been doing it for him, along with his own. He's even paying someone from Ethan's classes to do his more complicated work. Grayson is low on funds but he'd do anything to help Ethan.

Ethan has been quite all day and had barely said anything all week so you can imagine Grayson's surprise when Ethan suddenly said
"I need a shower." Grayson looked at Ethan with surprised eyes and simply replied
"Okay." He was hesitant to ask his follow up question but felt like he still needed to.
" Do you need help?" Grayson turned his attention back to Ethan who to his surprise had been looking right at Grayson that whole time. Grayson couldn't help but appreciate Ethan's subtle beauty in that current moment as anger surged through him as he wondered who could ever harm such a pure being but he was snapped out of that thought.

"Maybe some help hurts like a bitch moving my arms and bending because of my ribs."
"You're okay with me touching you?"
"Well no...but I do need help"
"Okay, c'mon" Grayson said gesturing toward the bathroom. Grayson knew Ethan wasn't ready for being touched so he let him get up slowly on his own. He let Ethan take the lead as he followed in his slow march to the bathroom.

"You ready ?"
Ethan gulped as he nodded at Grayson with a hint of fear in his eyes.
"I'll be gentle E. I'll tell you what I'm doing every step of the way." This seemed to calm Ethan down a bit.
"I'm gonna start with your shirt. Wait. Shower or bath?"
"You sure, that's a lot of standing for a bruised body that's been in bed all week." That came out more blunt that Grayson intended it to. He saw a look of sadness and embarrassment flash across Ethan's eyes as he focused his gaze on his feet.

"I hate baths-
"I know that" Grayson said cutting Ethan off.
"I'm just worried and don't want you to push yourself, that's all." Ethan saw the sincerity in Grayson's eyes.

"So should I draw you a bath?" Ethan only nodded a half hearted response. Grayson ran the water and made sure it was at just the right temperature for Ethan. He then turned his focus back to Ethan.
"Okay, so I'm gonna start with your shirt. That ok?" Grayson searched Ethan's eyes for permission due to the lack of verbal response. Grayson reached for the bottom hem of Ethan's shirt "lift slowly" he said referring to Ethan's arms. Ethan obliged but he couldn't stop his body form involuntarily shaking.

Ethan's shirt was off and he stood with his entire abdomen bruises, wounds and all for Grayson to see. Grayson wanted to look away but he couldn't. Ethan noticed Grayson staring.

"Sorry." Ethan mumbled clearly embarrassed.
"What?!" Grayson asked louder than he meant to causing Ethan to flinch. He took a deep breath asking calmly now "Why on earth are you sorry Ethan?"
"...I don't just feels like my fault" Grayson stared in disbelief of the words that just left Ethan's lips.
"Listen to me Ethan. What happened to you is NOT your fault. Yes it fucking sucks. It was a terrible, horrible thing but it will never be your fault. You hear me? No one and I mean no one has the right to touch you ever without your consent no matter the circumstance, situation or location. It is only the fault of the monster who did this to you. This will never be your fault in anyway. It breaks my heart that you think otherwise."

Tears began to spill from Ethan's eyes
"Thank you Gray. Thank you for being here for me." He said as he wiped his swollen still bruised and broken face. " I wouldn't be able to get through this without you."

They both look at each other. Grayson wants nothing more than to pull Ethan into his tightest embrace and have all of Ethan's injuries and problems dissolve away but he's afraid. Afraid to touch Ethan. He pushed the thought from his mind and remembers what they originally intended to do.

"Do you still want to bathe?"
"Okay, I'm gonna take off your pants and underwear now but I won't look.
"Okay." Ethan said without shaking.

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