Chapter 12

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while, let me know if you're still into this story. I plan on finishing it, it might still take me a bit but just want some feedback if anyone has any. Hope you're enjoying it so far.

Ethan's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch with Grayson in my arms. I nestled my face into his hair and inhaled smiling at remembering the events from last night. I tangle my legs with Grayson as I try to make myself more comfortable hoping to get a couple more hours of sleep with Grayson. As I begin to settle in again, Grayson stirs. He turns toward me.

"Mhhhm. Morning" he says as he stretches and cuddles into me.
"Morning Gray." I say as I peck him on the cheek.
Grayson looks up at me adoringly and says "so last night wasn't just a dream" as he leans in and pecks my lips. I suddenly feel bold and turn that quick peck into a needy kiss. My hands slip right back into Grayson's hair as his hands go straight to my waist. We pull away from each other slowly and press our foreheads together as we struggle to catch our breath.

We lay there content for who knows how long before a thought crosses my mind. "What's today's date?"
"The 12th. Why?"
"Holy shit." I say springing up causing Grayson to almost fall off the couch due to the lack of space.
"Your birthdays in 4 days Grayson."
"...yeah. I know. It is my birthday after all" he says with a slight chuckle.
"I've been so wrapped up in my own shit, I completely forgot about your birthday."
"It's okay E."
"No it's not. Please tell me you have plans."
There's a long pause as Grayson looks away from me.
"Well. Not exactly."
"What does that mean?"
"I planned on staying in with you."
"Grayson I cannot be the reason you don't celebrate your 20th birthday. I know that you know I don't feel up to going out but you know I'd do anything for you too. Plus what about the guys we've barely seen them in the past couple of weeks."
"They've been checking in on you with me. They know you've been out of it so they're giving you your space plus they get that that's why I want to be here for you right now."
"What? Did you tell them Grayson?!"
"No. Never. I would never. I told them how much of a toll the "car accident" took on you physically." He said with air quotes calming me down immediately.
"Okay. Are you absolutely sure that you don't want to do anything? I don't want you to regret anything."
"You're the one who love birthdays E, I'll be fine. I know it's my day but I'm still gonna be worried about you. Plus I'd definitely rather spend it with just you." He said in an honest reassuring tone.

"Well if that's really what you want. Than that's what we'll do."

"I'm gonna make us some breakfast" he said standing up and pecking me on the top of my head as he made his way toward the kitchen.

I went to the bathroom and got myself ready for the day wearing nothing but Grayson's clothes.

I walk into the kitchen to find Grayson dancing and singing along to Rocketman by Elton John (which for the record he is terrible at) but it still put the biggest smile on my face. He was singing quite loudly so he didn't hear me take a seat at our island. I just watched him in awe until another thought crossed my mind.

"Go on a date with me." I said loud enough to be heard over the music causing Grayson to almost drop the bowl in which he was whipping our eggs in.

"Go out with me. On your birthday. Let's go out. On a date. Just you and me. I know I'm up for that at least. What do you say?" I look up at him with hopeful eyes.

"Absolutely." He says placing the bowl down carelessly as he grabbed my face and pulled me closer as he smiled into a kiss.

"Now, what would you want to do?"

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