looking back- discussion/reminder

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Hey you guys, just wanted to make a short-short-short-short chapter about looking back on this story! I fell in love with the show The Walking Dead and, like many others, became invested.

Since publishing this story about 3 or 4 years ago, a lot has changed in my life. Some of Beth and Maggie's story resonates with me in ways that move me. I recently lost a sister due to suicide, but she was also a cheerful, loving mother who would kick the apocalypse's ass in a heartbeat.

Anyway, this is just a reminder to check on your loved ones!! Genuinely ask them how they are doing. LISTEN and LOVE. DONT JUDGE THEM. Physical pain isn't the only pain that can BREAK you. Everyone is different, & being genuinely healthy looks different on everyone. You never know what's going on behind someone's eyes.

I honestly love what my young mind created & I don't want to fuck with it. I am SO grateful for all the support you guys gave me. I'm finally going to close this book! If you want to message, REACH OUT. I love you guys & thank you again.

- your privileged friend

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