Uchihas Never Cry

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"Sasuke filed an official complaint against you early this morning, Kakashi," Tsunade said with a massive sigh. "He wants the forbid you any contact with his child. He says you kidnapped her. I am trying to keep this low profile, but I might have to get the council involved if he insists on pressing charges."

There were primarily three things going through Kakashi's head as he stood in the Hokage's office receiving this information, squinting a little against the bright light of the morning sun. One, he had to suppress frequent yawns because he was very tired, which was becoming an unfortunate habit. Two, the Hokage didn't look well. Her bloated, reddened face and the drooping, teary eyes worried Kakashi to the extent that he decided to take Shizune aside right after this to quiz her about the village leader's health. Three, even though his move complicated everything, Kakashi understood Sasuke. He would probably have done the same... or much worse in the same situation.

"I wanted to go talk to Sasuke right after reporting to you anyway," Kakashi said. "I do not mean to take anything away from him. Maybe we can work this out civilly?"

Tsunade pressed her lips together. "Is it true that Sakura stayed with you and Sarada tonight?"

Kakashi nodded after the briefest moment of hesitation. Denying this was no use. It wasn't a surprise that Tsunade knew about the stayover, it was expected of the village leader to be informed. Besides, Sakura's public show of affection from the day before needed no secret police to become news in this gossip-loving place.

Being able to hold Sakura in his arms all night was already his favorite thing in the whole wide world. Too bad she had had to leave so hastily this morning, even without breakfast, but she had slept way too long - or rather, Kakashi hadn't woken her up in time because he had lost himself looking at her sleeping face in the faint morning light.

"It doesn't seem like the best of times for Sakura and you to hook up," Tsunade said grimly. "But of course, such things cannot be helped. If it affects your performance, however..."

"That will depend on the mission," Kakashi replied truthfully. "But I know I can separate my personal and my professional life well."

To think he even had an opportunity to use the term personal life these days... for as long as he remembered, such a thing had been frowned upon for soldiers on active duty. Any ties to other people bore weaknesses that skilled enemies knew how to exploit. The Anbu had had to retire many operatives after they fell in love, especially since it tended to happen most among teammates. Kakashi remembered the heated discussions in the top echelons about banning women from the secret branches of the military entirely - to prevent feelings from clouding operatives' judgements. Which was laughable, since men could fall in love with each other too and frequently did. It was simply human to form attachments and no laws could prevent that from happening.

"Can Iruka handle Sarada alone if worst comes to worst?"

Kakashi took a minute to ponder this. Then, he nodded.

"Yes. He is a very good teacher. I am not a hundred percent sure, but for now there are no indications that Sarada has awakened the Sharingan. And even if she has or will in the near future... Sasuke is in the much better position than me to teach her how to use it. I am not an Uchiha and know very little about it after all."

Tsunade looked at him thoughtfully, her chin resting on her hands.

"That isn't true, and I think you know it. You are extremely well positioned to teach her a responsible use exactly because you are not an Uchiha. Besides, I am to understand the child is very attached to you?"

Yes, that seemed to be the case, though he wasn't entirely sure of the reason. Sarada was in the same room with them, playing with Tonton in the corner behind them under Shizune's supervision. Despite the sensitivity of the topic they were discussing simply because the child had refused to part with him in the morning when they had gotten here by clinging onto his shirt with both hands. For such a small human, she was surprisingly strong.

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