8. They Said...

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It was so dark before they all arrived
Black skies and smoke and for so many
Just pain
The field was nothing but mud
When the rain came pouring down and justice got stuck

But then came Rosa and Martin and Nelson too
They looked to the light and they knew what to do
They nurtured the crops and watched the plants grow
They spoke the truth, even if ending racism was long and slow
And with each word they said
With the equality they spread
The field began to glow
A bright indigo

And then came the suffragettes, Malala and Katherine with all the women in STEM too
They looked to the light and they knew what to do
They cared for the flowers and watched them grow
They spoke the truth, even if ending sexism was long and slow
And with each word they said
With the equality they spread
The field began to glow
A bright indigo

Next came Sally, Audre and everyone at Stonewall too
They looked to the light and they knew what to do
They looked after the crops and watched them grow
They spoke the truth, even if ending homophobia was long and slow
And with each word they said
With the equality they spread
The field began to glow
A bright indigo

Now it's so much lighter
Now they've spoken the truth
Now there's blue skies and sweet lavender
Now the sun shines so bright
And now justice is free

And maybe there are still occasional showers
Maybe not everyone's quite managed to
Hear their words
The commotion of prejudice deafening some
But that's fine, because they've said what they've said
But there are still the words of so many more left to come...

LD x ~ 9/11/19

The storm fades part 2: Rain makes rainbowsWhere stories live. Discover now