Thank you /note to reader

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Thank yous:
I'd like to thank all my friends for the support and encouragement while writing this. Huge thank you to MiaroseK_, Clumpywoods, ElsFin, Beth and Àine for all the proof reading and helpful suggestions while I've been writing these poems 💗💗. Also thank you to you for reading this, especially if you've read all the way to the end. If you have, I wonder if you've noticed the theme running through the poems??
I also would like to thank and give full credit for all the pictures with each of the poems to my friends Ivy, Emilia, Tewa and Grace (who has an amazing art Instagram page, which I recommend you check). I love how each of their pieces of artwork helps to depict the messages / imagery of each of the poems and I think they really add something special to each of them.
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment, and feel free to vote on any poems you like.

Note to reader on writing process:
These poems each have their own individual messages which I hope you can take from them. However, generally this section of 'the storm fades' is focused on themes such as love, happiness and beauty. The way I like to look at beauty is that, a rose is beautiful and so is a butterfly. The fact that they are different to each other doesn't detract from their beauty.
The first poem I wrote for 'Rain makes rainbows' was 'Rainbow', which I decided would be the best poem to be the first in the collection as it leads on nicely from 'The Storm' at the end of 'there's no sunset without darkness'.
Yet, as I wrote this poem so soon after finishing the storm fades part one, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be the theme or lay out of part two. After writing 'Adonis blue heart' (which was about three weeks after 'Rainbow') I thought of a rainbow theme with each poem representing a colour and important issue, eg passion, acceptance and equality (some are more obvious than others), and then bringing it all together with the last poem Wonderland, which combines all the imagery but most importantly all the key themes.
I see Wonderland as a metaphor to show what the world could be like if we all focused on the key issues I've focused on here.
I'm really looking forward to continuing the storm fades with the final part of the trilogy!

Thank you for reading, and happy new year!
Lucy x


The storm fades part 2: Rain makes rainbowsWhere stories live. Discover now