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A/n: hi, sorry this is kind of short.
But I'm back. YAY!

[Unedited - yay]


The door opens and three dark figures stood by the door.

You best believe they screamed.

The light was flicked on.

HC: What the fuck Jaehyun!?

Jaehyun seemed just as shocked.

JH: What are you doing here.

HC: No no no. What are you doing here?

DY: Nevermind that. Move.

Doyoung moved forward and dropped an unconscious Taeyong onto the bed.

DY: What the hell am I doing carrying a grown-ass man.

Foot steps could be heard running down the stairs.

JN: WHAT'S GOING ON. RENJUN PUT THE BAT DOWN. Oh, Hi Doyoung- who are you?

HC: That's Jaehyun, say hi.

Norenmin: Hi, Jaehyun.

JH: Hello.

Jeno turned to the three bodies on the bed.

JN: I see Taeyong's beyond us now. Anyway we heard some horrifying screams and came to see what happened.

JH: Oh yeah, sorry. I guess we scared the babies.

MK: What do you mean babies?

HC: You are a baby tho.

MK: What are you saying? You where the one who screamed first.

HC: Because you got scared and clung on to me.

MK: Nonsense. I-

DY: Y'all watched a scary movie didn't you.

JN: How could you tell?

DY: Are you kidding me. What do you think gave it away? The two scared puppies or Renjun holding his "fuck of demons" bat you got him for christmas last year.

JM: I mean.. Renjun never leaves home without that thing.

RJ: As it should be. It'll lose its purpose if I keep it at home.

Haechan got out of the bed and walked over to Jaehyun.

HC: and so... why are you here?

JH: I drove them home.

HC: Why?

JH: Am I not allowed to?

RJ: What are you? Like an uber driver?

HC: What's that?

JM: You don't know what uber is?

Haechan shakes his head.

Norenmin: *le gasp*

MK: he's not an uber driver. He's Haechan's boss. The bar owner.

JM: Oh wait.. I think i remember Haechan talking about you.

JH: Oh really? What did he say about me?

JM: Nothing much.. just something about.. how even with those looks your still single.

Jaehyun laughed.

JH: Should I be offended.

HC: What for? I called you handsome.

JH: Alright, well what are you doing here anyways?

HC: Did Lucas not tell you.

JH: He told me you came down with a fever. Are you feeling better?

Haechan face lit up with something like hope.

HC: Yeah. I feel great. So can I go to work tomor-

JH: Nice try kid. I think this is a nice opportunity for you to rest a little.

HC: Just tell me I'm fired and go.

JH: No way. Your like my favorite employee. My bar can't function without you. Oh my god, I forgot I left Lucas to watch over the bar.

Jaehyun looked around and locked eyes with Doyoung.

JH: Would you like me to give you a ride home?

DY: Thanks, but I guess I'll just stay the night here.

JN: Cool. You can sleep on Mark's bed along with these two (point at Mark and Haechan) or you can share the bed with him (point at Taeyong). However if you want, you can sleep alone in the living ro-

DY: Alright, let's go. I'll tell you my address in the car.

Doyoung heads out the room followed by Jaehyun.

Jaemin following the two out.

JM: Wait.. I want to know where you live.

DY: hell no.

JM: Why not. Literally the only person that knows where you live is Taeyong, Jungwoo, and Lucas. I want to know!

DY: No.

JM: You just wait.. I'll find out in the end.

DY: We'll see.


Mark made sure to place a pillow under Taeyong's head.

HC: Should we.. I don't know. Make him a little more comfortable, his feet are hanging off the bed.

Mark looked at Taeyong, who was laying just as Doyoung left him.

MK: Nah. It's his fault for getting drunk. He knows he can't handle alcohol. Let's go to my room.

HC: At least place the blanket on him. I'll go bring him a glass of water, in case he wakes up thirsty. Be right back.

Mark grabbed the blanket and placed it over Taeyong.

MK: How come I'm doing this? Isn't this Jeno's job?

Once there both comfortably laying on Mark's bed, Haechan finally asks.

HC: So.. is Doyoung I don't know.. into guys?

Mark turned to him so quick his neck almost strained.

MK: What the hell Haechan. He's old and you're so young-

HC: Wow. Calm down for a second. I'm just asking for the sake of Jaehyun's love life. Is he that old? He looked rather young to me.

MK: Oh. Well he was born 1996.

HC: Ah, that's not so bad. Jaehyun is 1997, I'm sure he won't mind a one-year age difference.

MK: What makes you think he's interested?

HC: Are you kidding me? How oblivious could you be? He was totally checking him out any chance he got. Plus, as my boss, I've never once seen him leave the bar during open hours.

MK: Really? Wow.

HC: So.. does Jaehyun have a chance?

MK: I honestly don't know. I've never witnessed Doyoung being interested in anyone in the short time I've known him. Sorry.

HC: It's cool. It'll be nice to see Jaehyun having a hard time for once.

MK: Does he tend to give you a hard time?

HC: No not really.


A/n: My memory isn't what it used to be. I can't remember half the stuff I write so I'll have to read it over so I don't mess up the storyline. Wish me luck. Bye 🖖


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