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A/n: hey guys. I think I'm depressed.. idk. I kinda haven't been doing anything, like literally I've become one with the mattress. I don't even feel like getting out of bed to go eat. I really want to interact with other people (my sister doesn't like me talking to her because she says I'm wasting her time[talk about rude.. I blame puberty]) wish I had friends. Also I've been so obsessed with watching people play among us, i wish I had friends to play it with.

[Unedited- my brand mark]
(Sorry it's short)


HC: Jaemin.. don't you think you've been rubbing Jeno's injury long enough?

RJ: good intentions my ass.

JM: better safe then sorry.

MK: safe enough.

Mark pulled Jaemin's hand out from under Jeno's shirt as he passed by on his way to sit next to Haechan.

MK: if you intend to keep it up, go to Jeno's room. I don't need that kind of indecency on display in the living room.

JM: I wasn't doing anything indecent.

HC: You were pretty much groping his abs at this point.

MK: for half an hour already.

RJ: Jeno don't let yourself be man handled.

Jeno turned red from the embarrassment.

JM: Let's move on. So Haechan how long have you been living next door? Had I known, I would've went to see you at the least sneak in and take a look around your place.

RJ: breaking and entering is a crime.

JM: not if you don't get caught.

JN: Yeah, actually I've been wondering the same thing. I've always thought no one lived next door. It was always looking empty and unkept, I thought maybe it was abandoned.

JM: the least you could have done as a sign of life, is to turn on the automatic porch light at night.

HC: I'm not at home why would I do that. I can't afford the bill to increase. As for how long I've lived in my house.. umm.. since forever I guess.

RJ: what about you parents?

Mark and Jeno turned to look at Renjun with eyes wide open.

JM: Yeah where are they.

And the duo's eyes turned to Jaemin.

Haechan's expression dropped, along with his eyes.

Renjun punched Jaemin.

JM: Ouch! You as-

MK: You don't have to tell us Haechan.

JN: Yeah, you don't.

HC: no.. you guys are my friends so I can tell you.

Everyone seemed so touched hearing the word friends.

HC: My.. my dad lives with me.. sorta. He's kinda never home. He's really nice, umm.. but maybe he didn't seem nice that time you saw him.

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