You can grow herbs in soil if you like. Just use a /plant _ herbs to grow the herbs. The soil can either be dry, moist, or rich, depending on the spells used that day and the season. If the soil is dry, the herbs will probably only produce one herbs for every herb that is planted. If it is moist, it can produce 2 herbs for every herbs that is planted, and if it's rich then it will produce 3 herbs for every herb that is planted. Herbs will normally grow in 3-4 days unless a Spell is used or there is a special event
MistClan- A Command Roleplay
Accióndiscontinued DD: Mysterious creatures and magic have been brought into one Clan- changing it forever. In the old days, our mages protected us with the Gates Of the Stars- But now, it's been broken and the old ways have been completely forgotten. Can...