Brewing will require 50 herbs for every potion. You must be MAX level in all your skills to brew. Here are all the possible potions that can be brewed
Thunder Potion: Can only be used on a Thunder Mage. The Thunder Mage will receive 1.5 times more energy
Nature Potion:Can only be used on a Nature Mage. The Nature Mage will receive 1.5 times more energy
Water Potion; Can only be used on a Water Mage. The Water Mage will receive 1.5 times more energy
Wind Potion: Can only be used on a Wind Mage. The Wind Mage will receive 1.5 times more energy
Fire Potion: Can only be used on a Fire Mage. The Fire Mage will receive 1.5 times more energy
Incense Potion: A lovely scent attracts prey. For that entire day, the Clan get +2 prey whenever they hunt
Harming Potion: A potion that can do 50 damage to any creature regardless of their defense. It is considered extremely dishonorable to use on a Clanmates and doing so could get you exiled
MistClan- A Command Roleplay
Azionediscontinued DD: Mysterious creatures and magic have been brought into one Clan- changing it forever. In the old days, our mages protected us with the Gates Of the Stars- But now, it's been broken and the old ways have been completely forgotten. Can...