10- Two Weeks Later

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Two Weeks Later- Annie POV

It's been two weeks since Em and I hit the ultimate fangirl jackpot and got invited to meet up with Ashton and Michael. To say it's surreal would be an understatement; this is freaking phenomenal. Two weeks ago, I was your average fangirl, fantasizing about leaving my ordinary life for something spectacular. If I would've told anyone that I'd been spending the last few weeks of my summer witih Michael Clifford, Ashton Irwin and my best friend, they'd laugh- but the jokes on them; Emerson and I are having a blast.

In the two weeks that I've personally known Michael, I've come to see him in a different light. Yes, he's just as amazing as any Michael girl would think, but, if this makes sense, he's so much more than that. He's beyond caring and has gone out of his way multiple times these last two weeks to insure that the paparazzi stay far away from me, both of us actually, whenever we're out in public- which has been a lot. Both he and Ash skipped out on some LA meetings, opting to attend them via Skype, to spend some time with Em and I in NYC.

In these two weeks, I'm starting to see Michael as more than just a celebrity crush. I'm starting to see him as the real, normal, down to Earth person that he is and that I can only assume he always was. I've spent time in his hotel room, watching him play countless hours of video games as I read book after book and it all feels so normal- so right. However, I wonder if Michael is feeling the same range of emotions as I am.

Quickly pulling my hair into a loose bun, I put on my sunglasses and hand a piece of paper from Michael to one of the security guards outside of the hotel. He unfolds the paper and quickly scans it before nodding and ushering me inside much to the dislike of the fans that are still camping outside of the hotel. I take off my sunglasses and put them in my bag, taking out my pocket mirror to check my makeup- it's still intact and as I reapply my lipgloss, the elevator doors open on Michael's floor.

Walking down the corridor, I stop at the fourth door on my right and knock. It takes a few minutes for Michael to answer and when he finally does, he pulls me inside before I even get a chance to say hello. He hugs me tightly and I feel him inhale the scent of my hair and takes out my hair bow and ruffles my hair.

"You're hair always smells so... Delicious. Is that weird?" He asks, strolling over to the bed and turning off the X-Box controller.

"It's lavender scented shampoo and no, it doesn't sound weird coming from you, Clifford."

Michael shrugs and leans back into the headboard, patting the spot next to him. I quickly kick off my flip-flops and crawl into the space next to him. Almost instantly, he pulls me into him and I rest my head on his chest. His hands brush through my hair and I have to admit that it's extremely relaxing as I feel my eyes start to close.

"Did you have a hard time getting in here today?" He asks and I shake my head no. "That's good. But did the fans say anything?"

"When don’t they? God, we aren't even dating and they would absolutely kill me if they had the chance, you know that? I’d hate to hear what they’d have to say if we ever did date.”

Michael lightly laughs and stretches, letting out a yawn. “They’re just jealous.”

“Of what? I’m nothing to be jealous of Mikey, c’mon.” I say and I mean it, most definitely not looking for attention.  I’m not the most confident of people and the fact that Michael even wants to be associated with me is mind-boggling.

“You’re blind. You’re beautiful and they have every right to be jealous of you.”

I might sound a bit dramatic when I say this but at the sound of those words coming off of Michael’s lips, I felt my entire insides turn to mush. Michael Gordon Clifford just called me beautiful. I don’t know whether I want to scream from a rooftop or run into the bathroom and throw up. This is actually feeling like a dream.

I don’t say anything, instead I move closer to Michael who tightens his grip around me. Soon, his breathing evens out and I look up to see his lips parted, light snores escaping. Soon, I find myself dreaming next to him.


I must not have realized that I had fallen asleep, but when I woke up it was dark outside and Michael was nowhere to be found. I sit up straight and let out a yawn as I rub my eyes with my fist to rid myself of sleep. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I walk over to the mirror and tassel my hair to give it some volume. As I turn around, Michael emerges from the bathroom- in a suit. My breath hitches in my throat because let’s be quiet honest, I don’t think Michael Clifford has ever worn a suit in his life and he looks phenomenal. I feel the heat in my cheeks rise as he walks over to me. My hands immediately find their way to the collar of his shirt, tightening the knot of his tie.

“And where exactly are you going? Is there an award ceremony I don’t know about or…?” I inquire, raising an eyebrow. Michael laughs, biting down on his lip and shakes his head no.

“No. There’s no award show but there is a dress that I had Em go and pick out for you. It’s in the bathroom, with a pair of shoes and some jewelry. Go put everything on.”

“Wha- Michael, where are we going?”

“On a date.”

“But, there are fans outside!” I protest, a bit hesitant about this whole thing.

“So what?” He shrugs, walking over to me and putting his arms around my waist. “It’s about time I show the world the girl that I’m crazy about.”

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