Fly high -28

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In LA.

"I know I said that going to AUS has always been a dream of mine but... I completely and utterly didn't take into consideration that it would require this much flying and I'm pretty sure that I'm dying. Mother Nature is one wicked b[]tch."

Annie looks over at me sympathetically, while Calum and Luke have headphones in and Michael and Ashton are fidgeting so much, you'd think that they were the ones in actual pain. They can't seem to stay still.

"You know, if I weren't dying right now, I'd totally be making fun of you two or trying to get drunk enough to pass out on this flight but nope, can't mix pain meds and alcohol."

I can't stop myself from rambling on while everybody tries to ignore me. I absolutely hate flying. Hate it. Sure, I mean...I love to travel and see new places and new things but, being that high up in the air in a metal box with wings and absolutely no control over what happens aka putting my entire life in someone else's hands... I can't take it.

Guess you can call me a bit of a control freak.


A particularly severe cramp hits my lower abdomen, doubling me over as Ash looks over at me concerned. Pushing his headphones off his ears, he looks around the LA airport terminal before crossing over to sit by me.

This sucks.

Ever since the ice skating incident in New York, the boys have been so careful about how they're seen with us. Annie's mentions went from casually rude to downright disgusting and I haven't even bothered to look at mine. I barely tweet off the account anymore. Anything said can and will be used against you and the girls have made a field day of going through my old tweets.

So here we are, in an LA airport and my boyfriend can't even properly comfort me because heaven forbid that someone catches a picture and it goes on twitter and it looks the wrong way, I'll be twitter pregnant by the time we touch down in AUS. Knowing that their families browse twitter and knowing that I'm meeting Ashton's mom for the first time- being pregnant, however fake that may be, is not the best first impression.

Ash rubs his thumb over the back of my hand, offering moral support. He'll never know what cramps from hell are and words couldn't express.

"I'll go get you some ginger ale and I guess more pain pills," he says awkwardly, running his fingers through his hair before walking towards a food stand with Dave on his heels for protection. I throw my head back and massage my aching stomach and blow raspberries, waiting for the drink. Ash returns and on giving me my drink and kissing my head, he slinks back to his seat while we wait to board.

"Now boarding."

Pushing myself out of my chair, I grab my bag and drink and lock fingers with Ash, to hell with it. We're going to AUS and my cramps have me feeling just a touch needy. Just a touch. After finding our seats and getting situated with blankets and pillows, Ash slides his hands up my hoodie, resting on my stomach the way he knows I appreciate.

Why have a boyfriend with big hands if you can't use em as your own personal heating pads during cramp time?

"Prepare for takeoff." Steeling my eyes shut, I grip Ashton's hands on my stomach and mentally repent for every sin I've ever made and then some. Flying gets to me that badly.

Here we go AUS.


This update sucks, I'm on my period. Love you guys-B

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