24- Kiss Me

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Song for this Chapter- Kiss me- Ed Sheeran

Antoinette's POV

I blink rapidly as my eyes adjust to the darkness of my bedroom. Looking over at Michael, I smile as the events of earlier in the day start to flood my mind. Michael's hands ran up and down my body, igniting flames over every surfuce of my body that he touched. I had been touched before, but never felt the way I had when Michael touched me.

The whole ordeal scared me, to be completely honest. The last time I was intimate with a man was months before I had come to know Michael. It was with my boyfriend at the time- a man I had been with for nearly two years- and that relationship didn't end well. It was all good in the beginning, and did ignite flames in me but those flames quickly deminished as tensions between the two of us began to flare up. It was a good relationship while it lasted, it was a good run, but we grew apart. The arguing got more intense and the both of us said things to the other that we didn't mean. In the end, with tears streaming down my face, I ripped off the diamond necklace that he had given me and handed it to him before watching him drive away.

Trying to push that memory out of my mind, I squeeze my eyes shut before repositioning myself in Michael's arms. Michael lets out a groan and his grip on me tightens, sending that wave of electricity through me again for the second time today. With his free hand his pushes away a few stray curls from my face and tucks them behind my ear.

"You smell good." He mumbles, burying his face into the crook of my neck. He kisses gently and I gasp at the new found sensation.

"It's called Pink Chiffon. It's from Bath and Body Works." 

"Well, I love it. I think I'll buy you a lifetime supply of it." He offers with a laugh causing me to join in. Pushing me onto my back, Michael pushes himself between my legs before dipping down and pecking me on the lips, his hands trailing up and down my sides once more.

Soft moans escape my lips as Michael's hands find their way to the hem of my underwear- I must've taken my pants off in my sleep- and he loops his fingers underneath the band. His long, strong fingers run over the slit of my sex and I squirm under his touch. This feels wonderful.

"M-Michael..." I moan, trailing his name as it slowly rolls off of my tongue. I know I said I wanted to wait- but the chemistry between Michael and I at this point is just too hard to ignore. The fire that burns when our skin comes in contact with the other is one that is hard to put out. 

"Please,  just let me feel you- that's all I want." He practically pleads with me, his accent thick with lust and hunger. I nod and Michael proceeds to attack my lips once more, this time not even waiting for me to part my lips before he dives his tongue in and attacking mine.

Michael uses his hands to pull down my underwear before rubbing his thumb over my clit- which is nothing short of extremely sensative right now. Slowly, he insterts one finger and pumps it in and out of me before inserting one more. 


As Michael continues to pump in and out of me, I feel his member start to grown against my leg. Bringing my hand down, I outside the palm of his sweatpants and he flinches at the touch. Michael lets out a hiss as I put my hands down his pants. 

"No. This is all about you." Michael insist and I remove my hand, obeying. He continues to pump in and out of me, my body shaking and convulsing with each touch as I near my climax. With one last touch, I come undone and Michael sucks on my neck, causing me to moan his name once more.

Getting up from the bed, Michael walks over to the wall and turn the light switch on. I squint my eyes, the artificial light momentarily blinding me. He takes a shirt out of my hamper and wipes his fingers before striding back to the bed. I pull up my underwear and sit up, crossing my legs Native American style. Michael leans down and pecks my lips before picking me up and setting me back down on my feet.

Michael disappears into the living room and soon enough I hear him talking to Ashton. I wonder where Emerson is? Slipping my feet into my slippers, I make way for the living room and the boys stop talking when they notice me. I raise an eyebrow in confusion but Michael just shrugs me off. I look over at Ashton- who thankfully has managed to take a shower- and he can't contain his smile.

"What are you two planning?" I ask as I walk toward the couch, where I plop myself next to Michael. Instantly, his arm is slung around my neck, his hand massaging my shoulder. "And where is Emerson?"

"She's getting dressed." Ashton says flatly. "And by dressed I mean she's changing her pajama bottoms- she spilled soda all over them."

He laughs and I nod, not surprised by the clumsy antics of my friend. Seconds later, Emerson reappears wearing fresh bottom and she smirks at me. I know that smirk and there's a story behind it. I make note to ask her about her time spent with Ashton.


Two hours later, I find myself sitting on the small balcony outside my apartment. Emerson and Ashton have gone out for the night, and Michael decided that we should stay in and even offered to make me dinner. I obviously accepted his offer and now I find myself sipping on a glass of wine that is way to expensive for me to ever purchase without Michael, taking in the view of Manhattan just across the Hudson River.

"Are you sure it's not too cold out here to eat?" Michael asks as he walks back out onto the balcony with a pan full of roasted potatoes and chicken.

"It's fine. Wow- smells delicious. Who knew you could cook?" I ask, sitting back down on the small metal chair. Michael smiles, proud of the meal that he has prepared and serves me some chicken and potatoes before pouring me another glass of wine. "Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Clifford? Haven't you learned that just one glass of wine gets me all loopy?"

"Oh trust me, I know. That's pathetic, by the way. One glass? Psh. You're a lightweight." He jokes and I playfully slap him on the arm as he takes a bite of his food.

When all is said and done, and the last drop of wine is resting on the bottom of my glass, Michael clears off the balcony before retreating inside. "Stay here." He orders and I nod. He reappears moments later with a sheet and he spreads it out onto the confines of my small, outdoor space. He goes back inside once more, grabbing pillows from my room. He sits down and lays back, patting the spot next to him. I pull my hair up into a high bun and lay down next to him, enjoying the way my body perfectly molds to the confines of his arms.

It's a beautiful night outside: there's a slight breeze and the navy blue sky is illuminated with the light of the moon and dancing stars. In the distance, helicopters and planes fly over the tall skyscrapers of Manhattan. Next to me, Michael lets out a sigh and I look at him just as his breath is circulating above us in a cloud, his hot breath reacting to the cool air. 

Using the extra sheet that he brought out when he went to get the pillows, Michael wraps the both of us up and I use this opportunity to squeeze as close to him as possible. The feeling I get when I'm with him is like any other, and I just want to be as close to him as humanly possible.

After a few minutes of silence, Michael starts humming. I immediately recognize the tune as Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran and flutter my eyes closed. This song is a personal favorite of mine and thinking of the meaning behind the lyrics makes my heart swell. 

Michael intertwines our fingers as he continues to hum the song. "This feels like falling in love." He sings outloud, his eyes concentrating on the night sky. 



This is what falling in love feels like.

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