Finding Gwen

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The next morning Arthur hurried to get dressed and all the while he was telling Merlin to do this and that, clearly nervous about ruining the picnic. Merlin, who was sick and tired of being bossed around, conjured an array of fruit and a basket while Arthur was getting dressed. Stuffing the fruit into the basket, he sighed. Was he supposed to bring Gwen and Arthur together again? Or would Arthur figure things out for himself? These were questions that flooded his mind daily. He had gone to Killgarah, the Great Dragon, but his efforts did not prove fruitful. He knew Gwen would one day be queen, but would he have to interfere to insure it happened?
"C'mon, we gotta go." Arthur said, shaking Merlin from his trance. "Stop worrying."
"Coming." Merlin sighed. They hurried along the corridor, Arthur hoping he would fall in love and Merlin hoping he wouldn't. They met Princess Mithian at the stairs and the ride through the forest was uneventful.
They soon reached a clearing in the forest and Merlin hurriedly spread out the blankets and pillows while Arthur and Mithian strolled around the edge of the clearing.
"Oh Lord." Hurrying over, Merlin met Arthur with an annoyed look on his face.
"Water the horses." Arthur said.
"Just do It!"
"No, Arthur look." Merlin pointed at something in the ground. Arthur froze. There, lying in the dirt, was Guinevere's engagement ring. Trembling, Arthur bent down and picked it up, a ragged breath escaping his lips.
      "What is it?" Both men turned towards Mithian, who was standing in the tall grass, a perplexed look in her face.
      "What is it?" She repeated.
      "There will be no picnic today. Let's go." Arthur announced, grabbing Merlin by his jacket and leading him towards the horses.
      "But why? Did I do something wrong?" The Princess questioned, obviously annoyed that nobody would answer her.
     Arthur pushed Merlin ahead and doubled back for Mithian.
    "It's not your doing princess. I'm sorry." He said, guiding her towards the horses. After helping her onto her horse, Arthur, clutching the ring tightly against his chest, called out to Merlin. 
     "C'mon Merlin. I can't stand here all day."
     "Coming sire." Merlin threw the last bag over his shoulder and scrambled over to his horse. Tying the bags to his saddle, he quickly mounted his horse and followed Arthur and Mithian out of the clearing.

After reaching Camelot, Merlin led Princess Mithian to her room while Arthur hurried to his, a ting of hope in his heart. Would he find Gwen? Did she even want to see him? The real question that had been nagging in his mind for awhile was: Did she still love him?
"Arthur? Are you alright?" Merlin asked, poking his head through the doorway.
"What do I do?" Arthur wondered allowed.
"Am I supposed to marry Mithian, or pursue Guinevere?"
"Arthur, the answer to that question is lying right in your hands." Merlin advised, gesturing to the dainty ring the king was holding.
"So what time are we leaving?" Merlin said, a hopeful look spreading across his face.
"What?" Arthur asked, setting the ring down inside his cupboard and locking the door.
"Well, if that's Guinevere's ring, she can't be far. It was windy last night and that ring is clean as a whistle."
"You're smarter than you look, now c'mon, we'll take the back way." Arthur announced, sword in hand.
The pair hurried from the room and down the hallway, taking the steps three at a time. They stopped at the dungeon stairs, debating how to get pass the guards. If Arthur was seen, the guards would demand to come with him, and that couldn't happen.
"What do we do?" Merlin asked, wishing he could use magic.
"You'll figure something out." Arthur smirked, giving Merlin a good push.
The young warlock stumbled forward and the guards immediately looked up. Merlin grabbed a torch and threw it at them, knocking both of them out.
"Good God! Your stronger than you look!" Arthur declared, giving Merlin a hard slap on the back. "Now c'mon, we gotta hurry."

"Ouch! Can we take a break, please?" Merlin called, facedown in a pile of dirt.
"No, Merlin! Get up!" Arthur yelled back.
"Fine." Merlin pushed himself up from the ground and jogged after Arthur, who was moving recklessly quick. The forest seemed to be never ending. Every tree looked the same and time seemed to be speeding up.
Eventually the two reached the area where they had discovered the ring. No directions needed to be given, for both men charged deeper into the forest without a moments hesitation. For hours they searched, and after awhile Merlin dozed off, the morning birds just beginning to chirp.
When he awoke, his first thoughts were only of finding Arthur. Using magic to guide him, Merlin stumbled over roots and sticks for what seemed like ages, and then he found Arthur.
The king was lying in the dirt snoring lightly, clutching an unconscious girl next to him. Merlin raced to his side and pulled Guinevere away, taking in her bruised face and countless wounds. Suddenly Arthur awoke pulled Gwen back, giving Merlin a stare that said don't-touch-me-she's-mine.
"We need to take her back to Camelot immediately." Arthur stood, gently placed Guinevere in his arms, and ran back to the castle, Merlin at his heels.

     After hours of Arthur yelling for Merlin to hurry up and Merlin running into trees and tripping over roots they reached the quiet castle that sat among the hills of Camelot. Arthur charged through the gates and he ran all the way through the castle to his room, where he laid Gwen down on his bed and then scrambled back out to find Gaius. Gaius, who was moving a bit too slow for Arthur's liking, was physically dragged from his chambers to Arthur's. As Gaius examined Gwen, Arthur paced around the room, picking up random items and moving them elsewhere. Merlin however, did not want to clean up Arthur's room when Gwen was awake, so he walked behind Arthur, picking up the items he had moved and putting them back.
    "She's coming back." Gaius announced, then immediately wishing he hadn't because both men ran to the bedside, smacked into each other and then started fighting for the spot. Arthur pushed Merlin to the floor and put his boot on top of him, not realizing how much it was hurting the young warlock until a loud Crack! echoed out and Merlin passed out in pain.
    "Arthur!"  Gaius yelled, kneeling beside the unconscious sorcerer.
    "Sorry." Arthur mumbled.
    "Sorry won't heal a broken rib!" Gaius exclaimed. "I'll have to take him back to my chambers."
    "But what about Guinevere?" Arthur reminded him.
    "Merlin's more important."

    Gaius set Merlin down in a chair, wrapped up his ribs, and gave him a tonic to ease the pain. Gaius didn't bother to treat the ribs because Merlin's magic was already doing it. His stomach was glowing and his eyes had turned gold. Gaius then left the room to get some water for Gwen when she awoke. He didn't hear the footsteps behind him.
    "Gaius? She hasn't woken yet so perhaps..."
Arthur froze, leaning on the doorway to keep himself from falling down. There was Merlin, eyes a glow, a book floating into his outstretched hand. Arthur stared at Merlin, shocked to the core.
    "You have...magic!" Merlin whirled to face Arthur.
    ", I don't. The book does." Merlin said stupidly.
    "I was born with it! I'm sorry, please don't kill me." Merlin trembled, trying in vain to lift himself from the chair to get away from Arthur, who was coming closer.
    "But...Balinorismyfathersoimadragonlord." Merlin added, spotting the blue glow coming from beneath his door. If the staff was glowing, it must be the time to tell him.
    "Slow down Merlin, I'm not gonna kill you." Arthur said, trying to process what just happened. Was Merlin afraid of him?
    "Balinor is my father so I'm a dragon lord...the last dragon lord." Merlin, who had finally managed to pull himself up from the chair, scrunched up against the wall.
"I thought you were good! But you're evil." Arthur pulled his sword from his belt.
"No Arthur. I use my magic for you. To save your life. It's my destiny." Merlin stood up to his full height and held out his hand, ready to defend himself.
"But if you can't except me for who I am," he put his hand down again and closed his eyes. "Then just kill me."
Arthur's sword fell to the ground. The king was shocked. Merlin would willingly give up his life then hurt me. "No Merlin, I can't. You know I could never do that."
Merlin smiled. "But Arthur, the only way to heal Guinevere is magic. Morgana has damaged her soul. Gaius won't be able to do anything but ease the pain. You have to let me save her." He faltered. "It's the only way."
Arthur stepped back, unsure what to do. Should he break his own laws? Go back on his promise to his father? Undo 20 years of work to outlaw magic in Camelot? He sighed. "Ok fine, do whatever you have to do. But what about your ribs..."
"My magic healed them, nothing but a bruise left." Merlin said. Arthur nodded and Merlin left the room, Arthur following silently, still in shock.
    When the two entered the room Merlin went over to Gwen and held out his hand.
    "Merlin! What are you doing!" Gaius yelled, shoving Merlin aside.
    "Gaius." Merlin looked into the physician's old gray eyes. "He knows."
Gaius didn't hesitate for a second, a smile breaking across his face. "I know. It's your destiny. It's written in the stars." Arthur stared at them, thunderstruck. Merlin had saved his life countless times, yet he never got any credit. Merlin was so misunderstood it was almost unbelievable, but in a way it was believable, because deep down Arthur had always known Merlin was hiding something, that he could do the impossible. He just didn't know what that something was.

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