Chapter 2: No way!

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Ryujin slammed her locker shut. She was in such a bad mood that not even Chaeryeong had tried to reason with her. And she'd thought that maybe she would have a good day! What a joke. Ryujin knew that she was scowling; she was scowling because she knew exactly why she was in a bad mood. If she ever saw Hwang Hyunjin again, she was going to throttle him. That was the only reason she was in a bad mood, the stupid idiot. He'd just had to argue with her, hadn't he? Deep down Ryujin knew that the argument was actually her fault, but there was no way that her pride was going to let her admit it. So she'd settled on blaming Hyujin, it was easier and it gave her a reason to dislike him more than she already did.

"Ryujin! Hey Ryujinie, wait up!" Ryujin heard Chaeryeong's voice as she began to walk away from her locker. She stopped and turned to her.

"You're still in a bad mood," Chaeryeong commented upon seeing her nest friends expression, Ryujin shrugged not really wanting to discuss it, she rolled her eyes as they began to walk again.

Chaeryeong knew why Ryujin was in a bad mood, she sometimes wished her best friend didn't have so much pride. It wasn't that she was self-absorbed, far from it, Ryujin was probably the most giving person that Chaeryeong had ever met, but she was also stubborn and refused to give up even if the situation calls for it. It was a trait that she admired but also got quite sick of. And because Ryujim could go on about things for days and days, which meant she would hear about exactly the same thing every day, which would probably left her exhausted because she would be giving the same answer.

"Hey, you remember that huge crossover to English Literature for our Music Literature project? Assigned book authors and read music through their lives, ring a bell?" Chaeryeong asked her annoyed best friend after a moment; she saw Ryujin nod slightly and continued, "well I found out this morning we're getting paired up with someone in our year, I think it's a ploy to get us to mix more."

Ryujin nearly laughed. "That'll work really well, no-one in our year gets on with anyone outside their own group." Her voice laced with sarcasm.

"Yeah that's what I thought, except what if we all end up getting along?" Chaeryeong asked her hesitantly, unsure whether Ryujin's mood had changed slightly.

"Yeah, sure, we'll all end up getting along when pigs fly." Ryujin snorted and Chaeryeong relaxed slightly, she hadn't blown up that meant her bff's mood was changing.

As they reached their classroom and Ryujin looked down and groaned. She'd brought the wrong book, sighing she turned around and headed back to her locker.

"Tell Master Ailee that I've gone to get the right book!" Ryujin called over her shoulder to Chaeryeong who nodded and entered the classroom.

Ryujin walked slowly, her mind wandering as her footsteps echoed in the nearly empty hallway. Who was she going to be partnered with? In the past when teachers did this they usually put her with Chaeryeong, because they knew that together they would give them a perfect assignment, which was something their teachers adored. But Chaeryeong's words had gotten her thinking that maybe she wouldn't be paired with her at all. If they wanted to break it up, she was almost certain that she wouldn't be paired with anyone she knew. Well anyone from the Theatre and Film major anyway. She opened her locker and frowned as she tried to remember who was in her Music Literature class, unfortunately for her most of her classes contained nearly all of the Elites' dance team. Ryujin fished around her locker for a minute before she found her Music Literature book; she shut the locker as her mind went over everyone she knew in her class. Jisung, Jeongin, Felix, Beomgyu, Dongpyo, Chaeryeong, Yerim, Olivia, Yeojin, Hitomi, Minju, Nako and Yuri, they were all the people in her class. Ryujin frowned as she realized that she had missed someone. Who had she missed? Ryujin went over the names in her mind again and had no idea who she had missed. She was sure that it was a he, but she had no idea who it was. She was certain that she had met him before, but she just couldn't remember who it was. It was beginning to annoy her as she reached her classroom and opened the door.

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