Chapter 16: Together

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Ryujin stared at the whiteboard blankly. She wasn't listening to what her Communication Studies' teacher was saying; she was ignoring Chaeryeong's desperate attempts to get her to pay attention to her and the horrible looks some of the other girls in her class were sending her and she was doodling on her notebook. Her mind kept on returning to Hyunjin and the amazing feeling of his lips on hers. She hadn't seen him since they'd, well, made out in the hallway. Ryujin sighed and wished she hadn't screwed up as badly as she had. She should have just listened to what he was saying, instead of jumping to conclusions. But she hadn't and now he was as mad at her as she had been at him.

"Shin Ryujin, can you please tell me what I just said?" her teacher, Master Jaewon, asked.

Ryujin's head snapped up, she stared at him. "What?"

"Shin Ryujin, I'm going to have to ask you to pay attention, even if daydreaming about Hwang Hyunjin is more fascinating than the work we're currently doing," he bluntly said, making Ryujin went bright red.

"I wasn't daydreaming about Hyunjin! I'm just tired…I mean, yes Master Jaewon." Ryujin went a deeper shade of red as Master Jaewon raised his eyebrows at her.

Chaeryeong raised her hand "Master Jaewon? Can you excuse Ryujin and I to get a drink?" she asked him and their teacher nodded. Chaeryeong stood up and pulled her friend out the door before Ryujin could dig herself a deeper hole than she was in.

"What is wrong with you, Ryujinie? You've been spaced out ever since Music Literature!" Chaeryeong hissed at her when they were safely in the girls bathroom. Ryujin didn't reply, instead she splashed her face with water.

"Ryujinie, answer me please! What happened in the hallway?"

Ryujin turned to look at her. "We made out in the hallway," she replied simply.

Chaeryeong stared at her. "What?" she asked dumbly.

Ryujin closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. "Master Ailee kicked us out and when Hyunjin shut the door I turned around to yell at him and he kissed me, and then pushed me up against the lockers opposite Master Ailee's classroom. We kissed until the bell rang."

Chaeryeong suddenly realized that Ryujin was telling the truth. Ryujin had had swollen lips when she had come out of the classroom, she'd been shaking and had been spaced out ever since then. "Okay, so you made out with Hyunjin in the hallway up and you were pressed up against the locker and he was pressed up against you?" She was waiting for Ryujin to laugh and shout 'Got ya!'.

"Basically." Ryujin nodded.

Chaeryeong suddenly felt like she needed to sit down. "This is the same Hwang Hyunjin you said that you hated with a passion?" she asked and Ryujin nodded again.

"Whoa, Ryujinie that's hot, I think you and Hyunjin are the only ones who can get away with doing something like that without making it seem…" Chaeryeong trailed off searching for the right word to sum up what she was thinking.

"Completely revolting and something that some bitches would do to get attention?" Ryujin finished off joining Chaeryeong on the floor.

"I was going to say something different but that'll work too." 

Ryujin groaned. "What do I do, Chae? He won't look at me, he won't talk to me and I have no idea where he is."   

"You could try and talk to him. I mean you know he has to go home sometime, so just go see him when he's at home," Chaeryeong said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Ryujin looked at her. "You're back with Felix."

Chaeryeong shrugged. "Yeah, we kind of got back together after your 'big' argument with Hyunjin. Where you both let on what you knew about our break-up. You realize that both you and Hyunjin tend to reveal stuff when you're furious at each other don't you?" she asked as they heard the bell ring, signaling the end of the day.

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