Chapter 5: Dance

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Ryujin stared at the contents of her locker. In a week it had gone from one of the most organized lockers in Dream High Arts School to a complete bomb and it was because her mood hadn't improved at all. She had no idea how her mother, Chaeryeong or any of her other friends had put up with her. All because of one stupid, horrible, annoyingly smart, dance prodigy guy. She and Hyunjin had barely spoken to each other since the rumor, even though they had Music Literature nearly every day and every Music Literature class had been dedicated to the stupid assignment. Ryujin had honestly never thought she could be as furious at anyone as she was with Hyunjin. That guy seriously knew how to push her buttons; every time he had spoken to her it had been in a sarcastic tone and to her it was like adding insult to injury. She'd never appreciated anyone being sarcastic to her, even when she was sarcastic to everyone else around her. They'd had one major argument since the blow up in the hallway and it had ended with them being kicked out of class and put on detention for the rest of the week. That whole fiasco had been like rubbing salt into a sore wound. Ryujin really hated him at the moment and there was nothing that was going to change her opinion.

"You're thinking about Hwang Hyunjin," Chaeryeong said, walking up to her with an amused look on her face.

"I don't know why you find it amusing, cause its not." Ryujin growled at her finally finding her Theatrical Mathematics book wedged in between the back of her locker and three textbooks.

Chaeryeong didn't reply, she knew that if she did Ryujin would just bite her head off all over again. But truthfully, nearly everyone in Dream High, including the masters, found Hyunjin and Ryujin's arguments possibly the most amusing in the school. It was clear to everyone around them that they found each other attractive. The tension whenever they were together was hard to miss; the only people who seemed to miss it were Hyunjin and Ryujin themselves. They were so intent on hating each other that neither took time to actually notice the other at all. It was one of the reasons that everyone found them so amusing together, they were completely oblivious to each other.

"Chaeryeongie? Lee Chaeryeong!" Ryujin half-shouted, making Chaeryeong jumped.

Ryujin looked at her friend, not bothering to refer to Felix, after all he was normally the reason she zoned out during a conversation or during anything basically.

"Mwo?" Chaeryeong replied impatiently as Ryujin eyed her.

"Do we have Theatrical Mathematics first or Physics of Dance?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"What am I? Your personal diary?" Chaeryeong snapped back and immediately regretted her words when Ryujin shot her death glare. "We have Physics of Dance," she replied softly and Ryujin nodded satisfied with the answer.

Ryujin turned back to the locker and threw her books in and slammed it shut. She turned back to her best friend who was watching her with raised eyebrows. "Wae?"

Chaeryeong just shook her head, completely over the way her friend was acting.


Hyunjin was standing with Felix in the dance practice room as he watched Master Yunho run over something with Beomgyu. The bell had rung and they were waiting for the rest of the class to show up. Every now and then he would throw a dark look at the door as if waiting for something that he didn't particularly like to walk through the door. If Shin Ryujin walked through that door in the next thirty seconds Hyunjin knew, without a doubt, he was going to be completely unmanageable for the rest of the day. It probably didn't help that he was already in a bad mood, which incidentally was the same mood he had been in for the past week. All because of that stupid, know-it-all, books-are-my-life girl. She seriously knew how to get under his skin, every time she had spoken to him, which hadn't been much since the hallway argument, it had been like she was talking to a three year old who had no idea what they were doing. Her tone was the reason he had been kicked out of class, again, and had landed a detention. She was like a muscle injury, give it time and it would disappear completely. Hyunjin smiled slightly as he thought about what her reaction would be if Ryujin knew that he'd compared her to a muscle injury.

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