Chapter 9.

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Of course, Travis and Katherine had to bully her throughout the whole day, but she didn't care at this point. Nick was gone and she had this feeling that she will never see him again. After school, she quickly ran home and to her luck she found Mark in the living room, watching TV. She quickly dropped her bag beside the couch and sat next to Mark, grabbing his arm.

"Dad, you have to help me. Something bad happened this morning," she said and Mark turned the TV off.

"What's wrong?" he asked and when he looked at Linsey he saw that she was truly scared.

"I was at school early, because..." she hesitated, then she thought she should leave out that she was there with Nick. "It doesn't matter. What matters is that a group of half-pig half-man creatures were there. They wanted me."

"What? Are you okay?" he asked worriedly and checked her for scars, but Linsey just pushed his hand away, saying that she was okay. "What happened?"

"I killed them, but I'm afraid that they will come back or something," she said and Mark started thinking, then asked Linsey.

"Did you see any particular or familiar on them?" he asked as he put his hands on her shoulders.

"They wore armor. It was red and a black dragon was in the middle of it," she said and Mark froze for a second. "What?"

"South," he said and clenched his fist, then as he calmed down he stood up to think, but Linsey was still confused.

"What's the problem?" she asked.

"Their leader, Sinjin. He probably wanted to kidnap you, so he could make a deal with me." Mark said as he was thinking aloud.

"What kind of deal?" asked Linsey, but deep inside she already knew the answer, but she wanted to make sure that she is right.

Mark sat back down beside Linsey and as he looked at her he pulled her into a tight hug, whispering into her ear.

"I would never let anything happen to you." he released her and looked right into her eyes. "He would probably trade you with my crown and Zartaria."

Linsey's eyes widened and she just hugged Mark more, burying her face into his chest. Mark hugged her and didn't want to release her. Jack entered the room as he left this recording room and saw them on the couch, hugging.

"Home this early?" asked Jack playfully, because he thought Linsey would spend the time with Nick, but when Linsey turned to him and saw fear in her eyes he became furious. "What's wrong?"

Linsey buried her face back into Mark's chest and just listened as Jack went up to them. She wasn't afraid of the demon king at all. She was afraid that she won't see Nick again. She was afraid that she will cause trouble for her dad. She was afraid that she can lose them as well, just like her real parents.

"Sinjin from Redmeadow. The demon king. He sent some of his people after Linsey. They wanted to kidnap her." said Mark to Jack and he quickly went around the couch to check on Linsey.

"Oh, God. Are you okay, princess?" he asked worried and Linsey just nodded to assure Jack that she wasn't hurt physically. She was hurt mentally, but not by them. "What are we gonna do?"

"I'll talk with the Senate tomorrow. They have to know about this. If Shinjin is planning something, then we have to be careful." said Mark, rocking back and forth with Linsey in his arms. "You know what? No. I go and talk with them now. It's really important."

Mark stood up, so Jack sat beside Linsey and wrapped an arm around her to comfort her, while they were watching Mark as he left the house through a portal. Jack looked back at Linsey who was about to cry, so Jack quickly hugged her.

"It's okay. Your dad will do everything to keep you safe. And I'm here as well." he said, but Linsey just shook her head.

"It's not like that. I'm not afraid of the demon king," she said.

"Then what's wrong?" Jack asked, looking at Linsey and she just hugged him more.

"It's Nick." she started and Jack pulled away from the hug to look into her eyes. "They hurt him. And on top of that, his mother was there and saw as I killed the monsters. She was scared of me. She probably thinks that I'm a treat to Nick. Then there is dad. If I get into trouble he will pay for it, and I don't want that. I don't want to lose him, or lose you."

"Everything will be fine, don't worry," said Jack as he gently stroked her cheek with the back of his hand and then pressed a kiss on her forehead. "Mark is strong and I'll be here to protect you. About Nick, I know you don't want to lose him. I'll think of something, but I'm not promising anything."

Linsey's eyes lit up and she hugged Jack, wrapping her arms around his neck. She said thank you for a thousand times then they just sat there in silence. Even Chica came over and put her head into Linsey's lap to comfort her. Linsey petted her head, while she was just leaning against Jack's chest, listening to his heart beating.


Mark ran straight to the Senate after he arrived. He said hi to every pedestrian who greeted him, but he didn't have time to stop and talk with them. When he reached the building he just nodded to the guards and they let him in. He ran to the conference room and pushed the doors wide as he entered. The Senate looked at him with worry then they looked at each other.

"Prince Mark. What brought you here? What's wrong?" the eldest asked Mark as he stood in front of them and quickly bowed.

"We have a big problem." he started, catching his breath, then continued when he saw that they became more aware. "Sinjin... he sent a group to Earth."

"Sinjin, the demon king?" asked one of them.

"He wanted to kidnap Linsey, my daughter. I don't know why, but probably to blackmail me with her." he continued and they all were surprised.

"What do you want to do?" asked another man from him.

"I want to send spies there. I need to know what he is planning."

"But it can be dangerous." said the eldest one. "If they catch our spy then they can launch an attack against Zartaria."

"I know. That's why I want to send one of my friends," said Mark confidently. "I don't want to risk my people's life, but I don't want to risk my daughter's life either."

"Let's just hope that they will come back safely from the south." said the eldest one and Mark bowed again in front of them and they bowed their head as well.

Mark quickly left the room and the building then grabbed his phone to call Gloom. He told him what was going on and that he wants him to go there and see what was going on. Gloom said okay and with the last warning and a wish of good luck, Mark hung up and went back home.

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