She is my mother

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Nathalie was breathless when she reached Adrien's door. She could feel her heart on her throat. She didn't even bother knocking. She opened the door, lights were already on, so she ran to Adrien's side.

-Adrien - she called her name.

The kid was in a fetal position, crying and moaning softly.

-Nathalie - the kid turned around and threw his arms at her.

She immediately put her arms around him.

-What is it? - she asked preoccupied.

-It's my tummy, it hurts so bad.

-Ok, show me where - she asked.

-Here - he pointed to his right abdomen. Around two inches from the iliac crest in direction of his belly button.

Nathalie was hit by memory, it felt like a bucket of ice-cold water. She remembered herself, 12 years old, lying in bed in a fetal position crying, next memory she was in the operating room falling asleep.

-Appendicitis - she mumbled. How didn't she see it before?

-I need to call Dr. Laurent. I need to go get your father - she freaked out.

-No don't leave me, please - the kid begged.

-I need to get your father, 3 minutes I swear - Nathalie said as she ran down the corridor to Gabriel's room.

When she reached his door, she had already spoken to Dr. Laurent, he was on his way to the mansion.

Nathalie knocked three times. Nothing.

Then she knocked again, harder this time. Nothing. Damn it, he must have the TV on.

-I am sorry about this Gabriel - she said as she opened the door.

She turned on the lights, she had guessed, the TV was on. Gabriel was fully asleep on his bed.

-Sir - she put a hand on his shoulder.

Gabriel opened his eyes in surprise -Nathalie? What...?

-It's Adrien, come with me, NOW! - she interrupted and ran out of her boss's room.

Gabriel jumped out of bed and ran behind Nathalie. When he reached Adrien's room Nathalie was already there, holding Adrien in her arms while he groaned.

-What is going on? - he asked rushing to his son's bed.

-I think he has appendicitis Sir, I already called Dr. Laurent, he's on his way - answered Nathalie while she patted Adrien's hair.

-Append... how do you know? - asked Gabriel sitting at Adrien's feet.

-I also had appendicitis at his age - answered Nathalie. -I just pray God I am wrong.

The doorbell rang. Nathalie gave Gabriel a look, she wasn't planning on leaving the kid's side. Gabriel stood up from the bed and went to open the door.

Nathalie saw Dr. Laurent enter Adrien's room with Gabriel following him.

-Good morning, Miss Sancoeur, if you would please be so kind of waiting with Mr. Agreste - said the doctor.

-Adrien, baby, the doctor is here he... -started Nathalie.

-No, don't leave me - answered the kid. Holding Nathalie harder.

-Please, let him examine you. It's necessary - she said while she let go of Adrien's arms. -I will be standing right here.

The kid finally let go of her. She stood up and walked towards Gabriel that was around 5 feet from Adrien's bed. Together, they observed as Dr. Laurent explored Adrien's abdomen.

-Indeed, the physical examination indicates Adrien has appendicitis - confirmed the Doctor turning around to look at the 2 grown-ups. -He needs to be taken to the hospital for further examination.

-Of course, Doctor. Nathalie, ask for an ambulance - he told his assistant.

-Yes, Sir - she answered as she sat back next to Adrien. He immediately took the woman in his arms and laid his head on her lap. She took her cellphone and asked for the ambulance.

-I will hurry into the hospital to prepare everything - said Dr. Laurent.

-Of course, Dr. Laurent, we will see you there, let me walk you to the door - answered Gabriel.

-No, no need Gabriel, stay with them, they need you.

Gabriel nodded.

-Sir? - asked Nathalie.


-Can you please go to my room and bring me some clothing? Grab anything you want. You should change too.

Gabriel realized at that moment that he, as well as Nathalie, were wearing pajamas.

-Yes, of course - said Gabriel as he exited his son's room.

He couldn't think straight, his son was sick, he was in pain. He would do anything to switch places with him.

He brought Nathalie a pair of black leggings, sneakers, a t-shirt, and a hoodie. She managed to let go of Adrien's embrace and went into the bathroom to change clothes. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, she was a mess, bags underneath her eyes, her hair was messy, and yet the only thing she cared for was getting Adrien's health back. As she exited the bathroom, she saw the paramedics entering the kid's room.

-Mrs. Agreste, good morning - waved one of them.

-Oh, no I... - she couldn't finish the sentence.

-Don't leave me - Adrien extended his hand towards her.

-I won't, I am right here - said Nathalie standing next to the bed.

Gabriel and Nathalie followed the paramedics close as they took Adrien into the ambulance.

-Nathalie... NATHALIE! - yelled Adrien.

-I am here, I am right here - she answered.

-Don't leave me - he repeated.

-I won't, baby, never - she assured.

As they reached the ambulance, Gabriel turned around to face Nathalie.

-I will go with him, you take the car and meet us...

-NO! She comes with me - yelled the kid.

-Adrien listen a parent must go...- she started.

-Mom, you come with me! - he yelled.

-Adrien I...

-Mommy please, don't leave me.

-Adrien, please I will... - started Gabriel


-Adrien! She is not...

-SHE IS MY MOTHER!!! - yelled Adrien.

Gabriel and Nathalie froze. She could feel a deep warmth in her chest. The kid's words touched her. She looked at Gabriel.

-I am sorry, Sir... - she said. -But I must do this, I am deeply sorry.

She turned her back on him and climbed into the ambulance.

-We will see you in the hospital, Mr. Agreste - said the paramedic.

Gabriel saw the ambulance leaving. He was speechless. He went into the house to get the car keys.

What just happened? Did his son prefer his assistant than him, his father? Was his son really seeing Nathalie as a mother? When did Nathalie become such an important figure to his son? And to himself.

All these thoughts ran through his mind as he reached the hospital.

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