You love kids

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Nathalie couldn’t hide her happiness. This was all a dream for her, there was nothing else she could have asked for. Only the year before, she was jumping on the rooftops chasing a bunch of teenage kids, and now here she was, pregnant with the baby of the man she so loved.
She took a shower and prepared herself, she’d decided she would try to find the best way to let Gabriel know about this. On the meanwhile, she’d act normal. 
When she entered the office she found Gabriel deeply focused on his computer. 
-Good morning. 
There was a brief silence. 
-Good morning - said Gabriel, still focused on the screen. 
-What are you doing? - She asked walking towards him. 
-Okay - she answered. 
Nathalie didn’t really mind the harsh behavior. She knew he took his work really serious, so she backed off towards her desk. Nevertheless, she felt sad, maybe it was the pregnancy, but she craved a lot of love and affection. 
They both worked in silence for a few hours, each on his own matters, only Nathalie started yawning. She had trouble focusing since her eyelids fluttered, so she decided to stand up and grab a coffee. She looked at Gabriel that had adopted a frown look. 
-Are you okay?
-Yes - he answered. -Are you tired? You won’t stop yawning. 
-Oh - answered Nathalie. -Well… I… I just didn’t sleep well. 
She lied. 
-Okay - he answered - Can you please bring me a coffee?
-Sure - she answered and walked to the kitchen. 
Nathalie served the coffee without much attention. Her mind couldn’t ease up, she tried to convince herself that it was the pregnancy that made her think and feel this way, but she felt Gabriel was acting different. 
-Mom? - The word brought Nathalie down to earth. 
-Yes? - She asked turning around to face Adrien. 
-Hey you were thoughtful, are you okay? - He asked. 
-Yes - she lied - I am just thinking about some things I have to do. 
-Oh… okay, I will go talk to my father.
-He is working, I don’t think it’s a good idea - said Nathalie, knowing Gabriel hated being interrupted. 
-It’s okay, don’t worry - he said smiling and walking away. 
“What is it with the Agrestes today” Nathalie asked herself. 
-Adrien, come in. Take a look - said Gabriel. 
The kid walked up to his father’s computer. A beautiful ring was on the screen, with a magnificent sapphire in the middle, surrounded by diamonds. 
-Father, it’s amazing! - yelled Adrien. 
-Shut up. 
-Sorry - apologized the kid laughing. -Dad, I am sure she will absolutely love it. But… why a sapphire?
-I hope so, ummm… Well….
“Think Gabriel, think”. 
How was he going to explain that the sapphire represented her as Mayura? 
-Her eyes - he came up - Her deep blue sapphire eyes. 
-Her eyes are like aquamarine - answered the kid. 
-Is she going to be my wife or yours? 
-So we are going to go to the jew...
The door opened. 
-...and that is why I think it’s not a good idea that you go out with your friends - said Gabriel changing the subject as Nathalie entered. 
-Father, please - begged Adrien following along. 
-What is going on? - asked Nathalie hanging Gabriel his coffee. 
-Nothing - he answered blocking his screen. -Adrien wants to go out with his friends but he has his piano practice today as well as chinese. 
-It’s Saturday - the kid whined. 
-Gabriel, just for an hour or 2, please - said Nathalie. 
-Mhmm… - Gabriel “thought” about it for a minute - Only for an hour Adrien. And I will take you. 
-What? - asked Nathalie and Adrien at the same time. 
-I said I will take you, go get ready. 
-Oh… Okay, father - said Adrien walking out. 
-Okay, what is going on? -asked Nathalie. 
-Come here - said Gabriel pulling her closer. -I don’t know, I have a weird feeling, like a premonition. 
Nathalie gulped. 
-I don’t know. So I prefer to supervise him on my own. 
-Oh, okay - said Nathalie. 
-Are you okay, Nathalie?
-I was going to ask the same Gabriel. 
-Ouch, no honey, love, darling, sweetie?
Nathalie laughed and placed her arms around his neck. 
-I was going to ask my little sugar spice baby pumpkin the same. 
-Too much.
She laughed hard along with him. 
-I am fine, Nat. Just working hard on the new season. 
-I know - she answered - you need some relaxation. 
She kissed him slowly, little by little deepening the kiss that ended up with Nathalie pinned up to the wall with her legs around Gabriel, and him kissing her neck desperately. They only stopped at the knocking on the door. 
-Yes? - asked Gabriel. 
-I am ready father - said Adrien’s voice behind the door. 
Nathalie laughed covering her mouth. 
-This is not over, do you hear me? - He threatened in low-voice
-Please - she answered letting go of him. 
The ring had to be perfect, it would take up to 2 weeks before it was ready. Honestly, the wait gave Gabriel some anxiety, but not as much as the proposal itself.
On the other hand Nathalie decided she needed a recon mission, so she decided to do some low-key investigation. 
One day, after going to supervise the ring, Gabriel found Nathalie watching some TV in the living room. 
-Hi honey.
-Hi- he said walking up to her and kissing her lips. -What are you watching?
-Oh just a movie - she said. -It’s about a dad that looks after his baby on his own. 
-Just like me. 
-Well, Adrien was an amazing baby. 
-Yes - said Gabriel sitting next to her and holding her close. 
-How was it to become a father? - She asked smiling. 
-Well, it was hard. I was scared as fuck, to be honest. But in the moment I held him in my arms for the first time, he became the center of my universe. 
Nathalie smiled and pressed him. 
-You are an amazing father. 
-I am not - he said. 
-If you ever had another baby would you do things different?
Gabriel thought about it for a while. 
-I don’t know if I would have another baby. But I guess I would change some things. Try to be better. 
Nathalie smiled. 
-Not being Hawkmoth, for example. 
-For example - confirmed Gabriel. 
They both burst into laughter. 
Some days after that Adrien asked them both if he could invite some friends over to the house, Gabriel said he’d think about it. 
Nathalie and Gabriel were cuddling in bed after sex. 
-Mhm? - He asked. 
-Have you thought about Adrien’s petition?
-Because I say so.
Nathalie climbed up on top of him. 
-That is not a good reason, Agreste. 
-Why would they come?
-To hang out with your son, besides you love kids. 
-No I don’t. 
-What if you had 4 kids. 
-I’d kill myself. 
Nathalie laughed and took her place next to him. 
-Imagine 3 little kids running down the halls of this place, coloring the walls, ruining the carpets...
-I’d blame it on their mother. 
-HEYYYYY! - She softly hit him.
-What? It’s their mother’s responsibility to keep them at line. 
-Mine? HAAAAAA!!! - yelled Nathalie. -It would be OUR responsibility. 
-I’m joking, of course I will help you with the kids. I’m trying to be a better father, right?
-Right - said Nathalie smiling. 
This definitely meant he would be happy with this new baby.

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