Can I sleep with you

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The three of them remained silent for the rest of the trip. 

Night had already fallen upon them as they reached the mansion. 

-Guys? - asked Adrien.

Nathalie turned her head to look at Adrien.

-Yes? - asked Gabriel. 

Adrien was staring at his hands. 

-Can I sleep with you just for tonight?

-Yes, of course, baby - answered Nathalie pulling him into her arms and placing a kiss on top of his head. 

Gabriel was surprised by Nathalie's answer. It wasn't that it bothered him, is just the naturality in which she answered and the image of all three of them lying in bed overwhelmed him. She indeed loved his son as her own child. 

-Of course, Adrien - he finally answered. He understood his son's feelings, and feeling guilty for this whole situation, he couldn't refuse. 

Once they got inside Nathalie asked Adrien to go get his pajamas; the kid ran to his bedroom, leaving Nathalie and Gabriel alone.

-You don't have to do this if you don't want to - Gabriel told Nathalie as they, both, climbed the stairs. 

Nathalie stopped and turned around to face him. 

-He is my son, right? - she asked, receiving a nod from Gabriel. -Then, it's fine. 

They had already put on their own pajamas when Adrien knocked on the door. 

-Come in - answered Gabriel. 

He did. 

-Hi, hey I thought this through and I was being childish, maybe I should sleep in my own room - answered Adrien, staring at the floor. 

-Nonsense - answered Nathalie smiling, and sat on the bed patting the middle of the bed -Come here. 

Adrien froze for 2 seconds before slowly walking towards the bed and climbing it to sit next to Nathalie. She lovingly smiled at him and pulled him into her chest, Adrien began crying again. 

Gabriel sat on the right side of the bed, pulled the covers up for Nat and Adrien, and took them both into his own arms. Again they were sharing that family's hug they all enjoyed so much. Both adults let Adrien cry his heart out without saying a word.

-Thank you guys, I am sorry - he sobbed. 

-Don't you ever apologize for expressing your feelings, darling. We are here for you and will always be. Let me turn off the light-. She extended her arm to the light switch and soon the three of them were surrounded by nothing but darkness, yet that dark bedroom had never irradiated so much light before. The light of love. 

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