This is insane

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Gabriel Agreste was peacefully drinking his afternoon tea in the garden. Although he wasn't precisely a fan of being outside, he did enjoyed the serenity of this place.
He closed his eyes and focused on the soft sound of the fountain. He started thinking on how his life had changed during the last couple of months; how he felt free without the weight of Emilie on his shoulders. To be honest, there were days when he missed her voice or her smell, but it was natural, he had loved her too much; nevertheless, he was certain he’d never trade his current life for having her back. 
What had happened to her was a tragedy, maybe a mistake they both made, but he was working on forgiving himself, to ease the guilt he felt sometimes at night. Especially when Nathalie had one of those coughing attacks. Although she stopped using the miraculous, her attacks would come back once or twice a week, reminding Gabriel of his sins. 
Nathalie. His Nathalie, the woman that began as an assistant and ended up as the love of his life. His support, his friend, his confidant, his lover, his everyday reminder of a better life. 
Gabriel smiled. 
Of one thing he was certain, he loved this woman, the woman that had turned him into a better man, a better father. 
-I want to marry her - said Gabriel outloud, catching himself by surprise. 
He opened his eyes and analyzed his own words. 
Did he really want to marry her? 
He was sure, after Emilie, he wouldn’t marry again, right?

Nathalie Sancoeur, on the other hand, was sitting in the living room crying her heart out. 
What had she done? She had sent Emilie Agreste to the tomb. Gabriel was working so hard on getting her back and then she got in the way; Gabriel left his initial cause for her. Was she even that valuable? Was she even worth it?
-Oh, Emilie, I am so sorry. 
-Nathalie? - asked Adrien, standing up the stairs, watching as his mom cried. 
-Adrien - answered Nathalie wiping up her tears. 
-What is it? - he asked descending the stairs and sitting next to her. 
-I just… I don’t know I just felt like crying… I… 
Adrien held her tight as the poor woman sobbed in his arms. 
-I never meant to… steal your father from her. 
-You mean my mom?
-No - he said cupping her face in his hands. -Mom, listen, you didn’t steal anyone. My father lost my mom and found shelter and love in you, that is okay. He fell in love with you, you didn’t steal anyone. 
She blinked. 
-Plus, I am sure my mom is glad that you are the one with my dad. The one that loves him and looks after him, and me. 
-Oh, Adrien - Nathalie tossed her arms around him. His words really comforted her. But…
Nathalie froze. 
She suddenly paled. 
-I want to throw up - she said running towards the bathroom. 

-Oh, God. This is not happening - said Nathalie, sitting in the bathroom floor for the second day in a row. 
It suddenly hit her like ice-cold water. 
-What if…
She rushed out of the bathroom and grabbed her phone. She had an app that monitorized her menstrual cycles, and yes, she was missing it; 2 weeks now. 
-Oh my... - she didn’t even finish the sentence, she just sat on the edge of the bed contemplating the wall. 
After some minutes she felt this adrenaline rush around her body. She smiled and began laughing hysterically. She dropped herself in the bed and began yelling and laughing like crazy. Was this really happening? Was she really going to have a baby with Gabriel Agreste? She jumped out of bed and rushed out of the mansion, she needed a drug store. 

-Adrien?- asked Gabriel before entering his son’s room. 
-Yes, father? Come in.
Adrien was sitting in his desk working on his homework. 
-Can I talk to you?
-Of course. - He stood up and walked towards the sofa.
Once they were sitting comfortably Gabriel began muttering. 
-Well… I… Just… Listen I just wanted to ask you…

Nathalie was standing in the bathroom waiting the 5 minutes the pregnancy test lasted. She was biting her nails in anxiety. 2 minutes left.

-I was wondering…
-Yes, father?
-Would you… What would you…

1 minute left. 2 lines meant pregnant, 1 line not pregnant. 

-Adrien, would you be ok with… 

Nathalie finally took the test in her hands. 

-Me… marrying Nathalie?

2 lines. 

-YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!! - yelled Adrien and Nathalie at the same time although in different rooms.  

-Father, yes!!! I would absolutely love if you married her, she would totally be my mom now!
-Thank you - smiled Gabriel, holding his son in his arms. -I love you. 
-I love you too, father. 

Nathalie still held the test in her hands. It was obvious, the dizzy spells, nausea, vomiting and her delay, she was pregnant. She put her hand on the wall to avoid falling down, the whole place swirled around her, her heart beated like crazy, her stomach was tangled. She was having a baby with the man she loved, the man she had loved all along. 
-This is insane - she murmured. -Insane.
She placed her hands on her belly. 
-Hi. It’s me, mommy - she smiled and tears began falling down her cheeks. -Now we need to tell daddy and your brother.

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