Ch. 1 Narry a Plan

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Author's Tip: if you want to understand this scene better, I highly recommend that you watch the video first.

Fix-it Felix watched in dismay as his home was destroyed in front of his own pixelated eyes. 

The young racers were ecstatic, running willy-nilly around the flat, flinging anything they could get their tiny hands on across the room at each other.

One particular racer's aim was a little off, and Felix and his wife Tamora had little time to duck as a gold medal made itself known into the Surge Protector's glowing blue face.

After some ice packs were distributed and the couple said their goodbyes, they closed the apartment door and looked on wearily at the chaos surrounding them.

One glance from Tamora said all—one of them had to take charge and fast.

Felix nodded and straightened his back, making himself as tall as possible. He then stepped forward and cleared his throat. No response; just overly-hyper screams.

"Ahem!" Felix coughed, louder. One racer heard him and glanced over.

Felix smiled and opened his mouth to speak, just as the racer stuck out his tongue, blew Felix a raspberry, and then promptly ran off, most likely looking to cause some more destruction.

Seeing her husband's dismay, she patted him briefly on the shoulder and stepped forward at his side.

"HEY!" She hollered. Everyone stopped and stared.

"Listen up, youngsters. We didn't invite you here to make this place the mother of all warzones! You wanna stay here, you gotta be respectful and follow our rules. Right, Felix?"

"What ru—?" Felix started to ask, before Tamora gently elbowed him and nodded.

"Oh! Yes! Rules! And you gotta follow them, yes sirrie!" Felix got the message and beamed at the racers.

A collective groan issued from the sugar-themed tweens.

CandleHead raised a hand and spoke: "What are the rules, anyway?"

Felix faltered and glanced at Tamora, who was wearing a similar uncertain expression.

"What are the rules? Well uh...there's..." Felix fumbled for the words.

"CURFEW! Yes, we all have a curfew here. Bedtime at seven o'clock sharp. No exceptions!" Tamora came to the hero's rescue, her inner-commander sparking towards the surface.

Another loud groan was heard.

"Oh, come now. Everyone needs their beauty sleep! Especially you lot!" Felix chirped.

"No, we don't!" A racer with a brown jacket and matching pants called.

"Yeah!" The racers chorused.

Felix gritted his teeth and his cheerful smile was starting to freeze manically on his face.

"How about seven thirty then? Fair enough for all?" The handyman offered.

A pink racer—her name was Taffy something or other?—licked her lollipop spitefully. "Nine or nothing, short stuff."

"Hey! That's your father you're talking to! And it's seven." Tamora stepped forward.

"Seven fifty sounds about right." Taffeta stepped forward as well.

"Seven twenty, short cake." Tamora towered over the pink racer.

"Seven forty." Taffeta glared upwards at the taller woman.

"Seven thirty and that's my final offer!" Their noses were almost touching as the two video game characters refused to back down from the other.

Taffeta clenched her lollipop in one gloved hand. "Sold."

The racers cheered and began to high five one another. 

Tamora glanced back at her husband, who grinned and shrugged, apologectically.

Authors note: Hey everyone! This is my first Wreck-It Ralph Fanfic and I hope you're enjoying it! Please vote and share, as it is greatly appreciated. 

Narry a Plan--A Wreck-It Ralph 2 FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now