10. The Growing Shadows

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  Izuku sat cross-legged on the couch, deep in thought, as he playing with the end of his pale colored sweater. Its been and hour or two since he arrived home and dropped the groceries by the door. Sheets of school work were stacked neatly infront of him, untouched. He was supposed to be doing his lesson practice for the day. But his mind constantly fall back on the question he was asked previous to his current situation.

"Your quirk?"

"You say that you can 'create' coffee?"

"Your basically breaking the laws of physics!"

"That's.. extremely powerful, deadly even. Yet earlier you said that you were nothing special "

"Why is that?"


That's all that rang in his head over and over again . Izuku shifted uncomfortably the longer he pondered. Everyone says his quirk is amazing and that it has so much potential. An old friend that moved to another city long ago even said that he still had loads of potential to be a hero if he wanted. That his quirk was amazing and unstoppable.

And as a kid, as dumb as it was, Izuku took those words to heart and cherished them, hell, Believed in them. But then he...

Izuku stood up cutting of his thoughts. The male grabbed his ear buds and placed them in his ears and quickly walked out the door.

He decided to take a walk.


The young man was strolling around the park he hasn't visited in a long while, letting memories and nostalgia slip and ravage his brain.

Recent memories like meeting Aizawa, Handing out coffee, and going on strolls with his mother were so vivid and new. But yet so distant and far away. Every second he breaths is another second that pushes the memories back into the growing past.

To think that the actions you take in life are forever inscribed in the history of time. He gave the ground a small smile and looked around the small park being bathed in the breathtaking colors of the sunset as the chill weather soaked into every living thing it touched.

By now everyone was gone and it was only izuku standing on the trail that winded through the park. His pace faltered when he passed a slightly worn playground with swings and a sand box.

Almost like yesterday, the memory started to play out.

"Hey Izuku, over here!"

"O-oh, there you are! I didnt mean to take so long... mom was talking to me about it again"

"Sooo, what are you going to do about it? Y'know the whole schooling idea"

The 11 year old blinked at his black haired friend. 'Oh yeah... he still doesn't know yet..'

"Right.. uhm the schooling, I think I'll just stay at home, it's not like I have friends to go back to or anything" Izuku mumbled shyly watching his elder hum in thought.

"I guess you're right. I would love you in my school! Then i could introduce you to my buddies, but then again by the time you transferred it wouldn't be long til i moved" he pouted with a sigh.

The 11 year old and 13 year olds mood seemed to decline after that. "Hey Izu, sorry"

"Why do you keep apologizing? It's not like you had a say in it, besides, it'll be great for you and your family! Your dad finally got that promotion eh? You can afford better schooling and all of that fancy stuff !" The boy grinned oozing out support. The older chuckled with a smile. "Well I'm not to sure about all that, but thanks little buddy" he chuckled grabbing izukus head to give him a hair ruffle, ignoring the boys adorable complaints.

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