✴Birthday Special✴That Damn Nerd

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Hello Expressos! In honor of Bakugo Katsuki, our favorite Assholes, Birthday, I have compose and concocted a 8500+ word one-shot of Bakudeku fluff!

I am aware that not everyone ships  Bakudeku, Or Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo, but I'm a multishipper and I've worked really hard on this for an extremely long time(like a year, lol I'm such a sad human being who doesn't know how the write-) so please repect me and the others who may enjoy this chapter.

It is NOT essential to the 'That One Coffee Guy ' story line. This is strictly a oneshot I wrote for fun! It is far from perfect, it's a bit... okay overly cliche, but its fluff! Everyone likes that, right?? It's also my first time at romance so constructive critisism is ALWAYS welcome!

For everyone: Updates will be starting up again since this project is now finished!!

•Middle school AU
•No quirks

Basic description:

13 year old Izuku Midoriya is sent to live with the Bakugos for awhile after Inko Midoriya got into a fatal accident. She is unable to take care of her son and requests that Mitsuki takes him in.

(P.S. I made a separate book for the one shot too so make sure to go give the original some love)

(P.S.S Im lowkey scared to post this omg-)

Bakugo stormed into his room and slammed the door so forcefully the house shook. His Ruby red eyes burning in anger and hatred as he threw his backpack across the room brutally, making it banging loudly against the wall, as it emptied its contents along the way.



Anything else that might have been yelled back was drowned out from his mind as the 13 year slid down his door his hands entangled in his wet ash blonde hair. Furiously tugged at it repeatedly muttering the words."I'll kill them........I'll kill them.... I'llkillthemI'llkillthemI'llkill-"

He was angry because he fell for it, so much for him and his dumbass cockiness .

He was angry because its not fucking fair.

He was angry because it shouldn't have beeen him.

He was angry because he wants to cry, only fucking losers cry.

He was angry because it was all for him.

He tucked his feet in and rested his elbows on his knees. Bakugo's eyes stung the tears begged to run down his embaressed flushed face.

"That Stupid Deku... "


"Guys, have you heard of that nerdy kid, Izuku midoriya?"

Bakugo perked his ears as he walked down the school hallways of U.A. Middleschool, he slowed down his pace a bit to listen in closer so he could hear. "Never heard of 'em" the other shrugged while one of the blonde twins gasped in excitememt "Ohh, you mean that 'insufferable little brat' you keep on complaining about! Right? Riiiiight?" The small twin sung obnoxiously. The brown haired guy who started the conversation nodded. " Scum like him should just all die out, nothing pisses me off more then that brat " he snarled. He seemed to pause in realization before a large grin creeped up on his face. "I was just reminded of something.. what if we-"  "Why in the hell do you wanna wast your time on him?" The older blonde twin scoffed still not seeing the point. "Its just another boring average kid who so happened to collide with you at lunch the other day...or week, you get the point. But whats so 'special' about that, besides the fact of making you the new found 'mash potato man of the school' " he muttered crossing his arms with a tired look plastered over his face. Recalling the memories made the brunette even angrier. The kid paid for the dry cleaning bill and all but that was still extremly embarresing. Even if it happened a months ago.

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