12. Don't Mention It

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"I'm not you friend, Mr. Number one hero " The man sneered as he glared. Never has he ever wanted to strangle a man more in his life.

"Don't be like that Aizawa!" All might laughed with a slap to his back. Aizawa seemed to verbally hiss walking back to his assistant who was wide eyed and probably dead.

"Midoriya? Midoriya..."

"I can't believe he is here, the number one hero all might is right infront of me. What are you waiting for izuku, talk to him, walk up to him, say something-"


"-What will happen if you don't, you'll never get this chance again, probably, wait. What if i make a fool of myself?! What will happen if-"


"Oh wait, does that mean all might is going to finally start teaching other classes? I wonder if he will be willing to-"


Izuku yelped the moment aizawa gripped his shoulder. The man himself looked about ready to murder making Izuku gulp nervously.

"Y-yes?" He spoke meekly.

"This is All Might, which I'm cetain you already know," The man sighed "he is going to be a permanent teacher here at the school" Aizawa tightened his grip and leaned down "You'll be fine Izuku" He whispered before letting loose of the shoulder. Bringing that hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose to stop the rising headache. He let out a long weary sigh before speaking again.

"All Might, this is Izuku Midoriya, my assistant. Shake hands, talk, do whatever, I'll be over here" The hero slowly drug himself to the furthest couch away from the two and plopped down face first. Mic yelp barley making it in time to avoided getting crushed. Erasers head was a single inch away from Mics leg, said person shakily sunk back into the couch mumbeling how he should be more careful.
'Yeah... I can do this.' Izuku reminded and took a deep breathe.

All Might, who was trying to ignore the most relatable thing ever, held out his bulky arm to the curly haired teen. "Nice to meet you, Young Midoriya!" He said joyfully with a calm tone while his mind spun.


Yes, All might was very calm as the boy he met a week ago grabbed his hand.The exact same boy he spent the entire day with. The exact same boy that was litterally just addressed with the same greeting that he used a week ago. The exact same boy who has seen his deflated form, and if he realized who he was, he would be screwed.


All Might was very calm indeed, not panicking in the slightest."I-It's- I just- Wow" Izuku stuttered and quickly shook the heros hand.

It was at this moment, that Izuku realized he couldn't do this and proceeded so freak out.

'Abort abort! This was a bad idea, a really really bad idea! What was I thinking? I can't talk, oh no, he's staring, say something! Saysomethingsaysomethingsaysomething-'

"IT'S AN HONOR TO MEET YOU!" He yelled in a panic.

'Goddamnit Izuku'

Izuku blinked and yanked his hand back quickly feeling akward "I-i'm sorry! Its just, I can't believe you're... standing right infront of me... Its been my dream to meet you, and this is really happening, oh God!" He breathed fiddling with the end of his sleeve. Izuku wondered if he completely embarresed himself like a fool apon their very 'first' meeting. But on the contrary, All Might was nothing but pleased with the natural reaction izuku was displaying, and it was pretty clear Izuku was too nervous to recognize him, but that wasn't the biggest problem. It's been his dream to meet the Number One hero and he knee that, so he was going to give this gentle kid what he deserves. Now after shoving down his earlier growing panic, he decided to respond with a small all of the fans adored.

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