A Midnight Walk (Suspense)

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The cool wind rustled through the trees, sending dead leaves flying through the air. An owl hooted in the distance, breaking the eerie silence that befell the forest. Under the moonlight, the two teenagers walked quietly, twigs and leaves crunching under their feet as they went.

"Are you sure we should be out here?" The girl asked. The boy next to her chuckled under his breath and shook his head.

"Miranda, how many times do I have to tell you?" He said. "Roy said it was fine. He's waiting for us at the bridge, remember? We can't get spooked and turn back now."

Miranda nodded her head and continued walking, looking back over her shoulder every couple of steps.

"Look, Dennis," she began, looking around anxiously. "I'm sure this is going to be nice and all, but I really don't like it out here."

With another chuckle, Dennis ignored her and kept walking. The moon was getting higher in the sky as they continued on, sending shadows dancing through trees. Miranda shivered, although whether it was from the chilly autumn wind or her own nerves, she didn't know. They walked in silence, letting the sounds of the forest surround them. Another owl hooted in the distance, and the rustling leaves echoed around their feet as the wind blew them wildly around.


Miranda's head whipped to her right at the sound of a breaking twig.

"D-Dennis," she stuttered. "Did you hear that?"

"Come on, Miranda, we're almost there, don't chicken out now," he replied.

"No, Dennis I really heard something." She looked around, straining her eyes against the darkness. She could see movement in the distance, but she couldn't tell if what she was seeing were shadows or something else. She turned back to Dennis, who was simply watching her with an amused look.

"Seriously, Dennis, I-" she began again, but was cut off by the sound of another snapping twig.


They both froze, scarcely daring to breathe. The sound came from the bush directly next to them. They both turned their heads and stared at the bush. Slowly, Dennis grabbed Miranda's arm and began to pull her back down the trail. Time seemed to slow down as the they kept their movements minimal, every second seemed like an hour, every step seemed like a landmine. It was like the world was holding its breathe - even the leaves stopped their rustling.

Suddenly, the bush began to shake, slightly at first, then more and more violently. Dennis and Miranda stopped moving, never taking their eyes off the bush. They waited for something - anything - to emerge, but the bush just kept shaking.

Finally, with a loud screech, a small figure jumped out of the bush and rolled onto the path. Miranda screamed, and the figure froze where it was standing, looking up at them. Dennis let out a loud laugh as saw the terrified fox looking at them with a freshly caught mouse hanging out of his mouth.

"Miranda," he chuckled, watching the fox run off into the opposite direction. "It's just a fox, okay?"

Miranda let out a sigh of relief and a quiet chuckle of her own. Shaking her head, she walked over to the bush and gave it a small kick.

"Stupid fox," she muttered. "Well, let's go I guess," she sighed as she looked at Dennis. "I still really don't like it out here though."

"I know, but we're almost there and it'll be worth it, I promise," Dennis told her as he started walking again.

"To be fair, you were pretty scared too," Miranda laughed, giving Dennis a slight shove. He chuckled as he regained his balance, but didn't reply.

They walked for another couple of minutes before reaching a wide, rushing river. The moon shone brightly over the swirling water, making it seem dangerous and intimidating. They walked along the bank towards the bridge, being careful to not step too close out of fear that the bank would break away. Finally, after a minute or two of walking, they reached the foot of the bridge.

"What took you guys so long?" Roy called from the top of the bridge. He was sitting on the edge with his face turned toward the sky, and his feet dangling below him. Miranda and Dennis climbed up the bridge and sat next to him. "This is one of my favorite places to be on a full moon. It's so clear out here," Roy said to them.

Miranda and Dennis looked up to the sky. Without the cover of the trees, the moon seemed as bright as the sun. Stars sparkled around it like flecks of white paint splattered on a blackboard. Despite the cool breeze, the moon gave them a warmth that is uncomparable.

"You're right, Dennis," Miranda said, still watching the moon. "This is very worth it."

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