Chapter 6- Honey Honey

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A week passed, and the cool winds of autumn began to circle the castle.

Classes started to pick up in their intensity, and the sixth years already had more work then they ever had before.

The Marauders found themselves to be doubly busy, as their work on the map was quickly becoming more and more difficult.

The closer they got to finishing it the more complicated their charms had to be.

James paced back in forth in front of his bed, distraught one night after another week of pleasant but rather distant contact with Lily.

Every time he had tried to initiate conversation with her outside of classroom conversation she had been distant. Polite, but lacking the warmth she had in that corridor where he had held her hand.

"Honestly, Prongs, just sit down," said Remus, watching James with an amused expression on his face.

Remus was working on their potions essay due at the end of the week on Amortentia, but James had finally succeeded in distracting him.

Sirius and Peter were sprawled on the floor, a textbook borrowed from the restricted section on tracking charms open in front of them.

They were working on getting their map to track all the inhabitants of the school and were running into some difficulty.

James had been pacing for an hour now, his own school work forgotten on his bed, throwing intermittent suggestions instead down to Sirius and Peter as his feet wore a hole in their carpet.

"I just don't know what to do! Sometimes it seems like Lily likes me, and other times it's like she can't stand me! Should I keep trying or leave her alone?" James asked, voice rising in volume as he ranted on.

Sirius jumped up from his spot on the floor and put his hands on James's shoulders.

"Prongs, take a second and breathe."

Sirius mimed moving his shoulders up down.

James rolled his eyes but did as he was told.

"Okay then- now tell us. Do you love her or not?"
Sirius asked, a cheeky grin on his face as we watched a blush stain James's cheeks.

James sighed and looked at him, his eyes betraying the truth he wouldn't speak.

"Alright then," Sirius continued kindly, sparing James his usual teasing, "You've got to let her make her mind up about you on her own. I think if you push her any farther, you might start pushing her away. Let her come to you."

James removed Sirius's hands with a pat and walked dejectedly over to his bed as Sirius continued.

"It's been years of the same thing over and over. You flirt, she doesn't. Maybe it's time to switch up your game."

"Wormy? Moony? You agree?" James asked.

They both nodded, and James sighed, throwing himself back onto his pillows, "But what if I back off and she forgets about me?"

Peter spoke up, "I don't think that will happen Prongs, there's no way."

Remus and Sirius agreed heartily.

"Fine," muttered James, "Starting tomorrow, I'll try and keep my distance. I hope this works."

The rest of the Marauders hoped so too, they didn't want to be responsible for a broken-hearted James Potter, a love sick one already caused them enough sleepless nights.

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