Chapter 9- We Will Rock You

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James soared into the air, his eyes darting back and forth in search of the snitch.

He could hear an unnaturally deep voice speaking in the commentator's box, relaying every move of both teams.

James on instinct rolled to the side and just barely avoided a bludger. His hair stood on end from it's proximity.

"And that was a close one for Potter, who is sure to be trying to get the snitch early this game. Ravenclaw's chasers have proven to be so accurate this season that they seem unbeatable."

Scowling, James continued to search for the snitch, feeling a pit in his stomach grow as he realized Kingsley was right.

They had trained knowing that Ravenclaw's chasers were phenomenal, but seeing it in action was unsettling to say the least.

After Gryffindor's win of the cup last year, he knew the other houses were going to be training harder and flying more furiously then ever before.

Even as Kingsley spoke the Ravenclaw chasers threw the quaffle with perfect precision past his keeper, a fifth year called Amanda Collins, who made a heroic attempt to stop it- the quaffle just out of reach of her arms.

They then retrieved the quaffle after mere seconds of his chasers passing it between themselves. He watched the match for a second, unable to focus on looking for the snitch.

The Ravenclaw players were flying aggressively, and were hitting bludgers so hard the Gryffindor chasers were having a difficult time flying at all.

Not for nothing though, had James assembled this particular team.

He watched with satisfaction as one of his beaters, a fifth year girl with ridiculous muscles, aimed a perfect bludger at Dimitri, the Ravenclaw captain and their best chaser. He dropped the quaffle right into Sirius's arms.

"Solid bludger from Hart, now it's Black with the quaffle, ooh a nice bludger from Ravenclaw but Black's dodged it, Black to McKinnon- back to Black- and he's scored! 10 points to Gryffindor!"

James grinned at Sirius as he whooped and hollered, the pit in his stomach all but gone.

An enchanted muggle music device had been snuck into the pitch, transfigured into a scarf to get it inside by a clever 7th year, and from the Gryffindor section in the stands the intro to "Black Betty" was echoing around, making the already pulsating air positively come alive.

He swung his broom around and started searching for the snitch with a renewed vigor.

He spotted a sudden glint of gold by the Ravenclaw keeper's ankle and pushed forward, flying recklessly towards him.

James raced across the pitch at break-neck speed, swerving around his other beater, a burly seventh year with the appropriate surname of Bear, as he cracked a bludger in the direction of the Ravenclaw chasers.

Just as he was closing in on the snitch Dimitri collided into him- knocking the air out of his lungs.

He flew through the air, desperately grabbing his broom and attempting to right himself as he gasped for breath.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, as Kingsley cried,

"Foul! Deliberate foul! Disgusting cheating by some really f-" his voice suddenly cut out, as McGonagall had grabbed the mic from him.

"Shacklebolt! Honestly! I didn't think we'd have to monitor you! You are head boy!"

"I'm sorry professor, it won't happen again I swear, moment just got away from me," Kingsley could be heard pleading as McGonagall reluctantly handed the mic back to him.

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