Chapter 15- Mr. Blue Sky

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James woke up earlier than usual on Saturday morning, and slid silently out of his bed. He crept over to Sirius's four-poster, repressing his laughter. He kept his footsteps light, entirely focused on the task at hand. Sirius had woken him up by casting Levicorpus yesterday, and he intended to pay him back.

James got his wand out, pointed it at Sirius's bed, and ripped his curtains back with a loud "AHA!"

He stopped, confused.

Sirius wasn't in his bed.

A laugh from behind him was his only warning before he was lifted by the ankle. James cursed, crossing his arms as he floated in a slow circle to face Sirius, who had apparently just come in the door.

"You sneaky son of a bitch," James said affectionately, "where could you possibly have been at this hour?"

James continued floating in a circle, and heard Sirius open and close his trunk behind him. When he faced him once again Sirius smirked at him.

"None of your business."

James rolled his eyes, feeling the blood begin to pool in his head. Their conversation had woken Remus and Peter, the former sighing loudly and slumping back into his pillows and the latter sitting up and shaking his head.

"Again, Paddy, really?"

"Yes, again, Wormy. Prongs here was going to sneakily hex me while I was sleeping! Can you believe it? Who would do such a thing," Sirius said, somehow both sarcastic and entirely indignant at the same time.

Remus's voice was muffled by the pillow he covered his face with as he answered, "Who indeed."

He sat up suddenly and threw the pillow towards Sirius but didn't quite make it. The pillow instead hit James directly in the face.

"Moony! What the fuck!" James said indignantly.

Remus shrugged and pulled his covers up over his head, sinking into the pillow he still had on his bed.

"You two knobs have got to stop waking us up so bloody early. I swear on Godric Gryffindor's bleeding heart I will hex you both into next week if you do it again."

James was facing Sirius on his never-stopping circling now and they both made the same oh shit face. Peter had already shut his bed-curtains again and was hiding behind them. The full moon was in a few days. Remus always had a bit of a temper, but the week leading up to the full moon he was particularly volatile. Sirius walked to James and pushed him on the stomach backwards until he was floating over his own bed. He then cast the nonverbal Liberacorpus which sent James promptly crashing into it.

James sat up on his haunches and brandished his wand at Sirius, who in turn mock waved his at James. James narrowed his eyes and mouthed threats to Sirius silently, who rolled his eyes. They kept up their silent game of threatening charades until Remus shifted under his covers. Both of their eyes widened and Sirius scampered back into his bed.

They remained in their beds until breakfast time, none of them feeling like setting Remus off. The little bastard hopped out of bed pleasant as could be, and even whistled as they all dressed in layers for Hogsmeade.

James pulled a knitted black jumper over his head, layered over a long-sleeved white tee. Remus had finally convinced him that muggle jeans were cool over the summer, but he still wasn't sure he didn't prefer regular trousers. The pair he wore weren't particularly awful at least, they were darker washed and rather comfortable. But still, it was the principle of the thing.

As if his thoughts had been spoken aloud, Remus looked over at him and nodded reassuringly. James sighed internally but closed his trunk and tucked his wand into his back pocket.

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