Chapter 20- More Than A Woman

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Sloan Fucking Wood.

What a name. Honestly, come on.

Lily seethed quietly in her bed. It was Sunday, nearly a week after she'd been let out of the hospital. She clenched her jaw, remembering the witch's smug face when she'd passed her leaving the library yesterday. The night Lily came back to the common room she'd leaned over Lily's shoulder and told her that she was going to ask James to Slughorn's party. Lily had thrown her an annoyed look and avoided Remus's curious gaze, then watched in disbelief as Sloan appeared to actually get him to say yes.

James liked Sloan? Lily rolled over, punching her pillow. She felt sick to her stomach. She'd thought...he liked her, didn't he? Maybe she'd taken too long. Maybe he wasn't interested in waiting for her.

The week she was in the hospital he'd been so sweet, visiting her every day. And on Thursday night? When he'd taken her to potions? She had been worrying about her polyjuice all week. Lily buried her face in her pillow, smothering herself. She should have kissed him when she had the chance.

No, what was she thinking? James and her were friends.

This week had been awkward. She wasn't trying to push him away, but she didn't want to interfere. She didn't know what to do.

Maybe he was over her. Sloan Wood was tall, a pureblood, she had long legs to die for, she loved Quidditch, she was good at Transfiguration, and she always knew the right thing to say. Lily couldn't even say she didn't like her for any real reason, she was very charming.

Lily sighed. She was being ridiculous. James was her mate. She could go to the party and watch him stand with Sloan, get her a drink, hold her hand, dance with her...

Why did that hurt so much to think about?

Lily crept out of bed and dressed quickly, ignoring the Puddlemere hoodie and the brown jumper that seemed to call to her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Maybe she'd have to give them to Sloan.

Lily brushed her hair quickly and laced her boots before throwing a jacket over her long-sleeved "Paris, France" shirt and jeans. She'd gotten it on the only holiday her family had ever really gone on. Lily's gaze snagged on her pink night-gown, and she blushed even though no one was looking at her. Marlene and Alice were mad, they'd been ridiculously excited to bring this to her Wednesday night.

"What is this? I can't wear this in the hospital wing!"

Marlene rolled her eyes and Alice hid her smile behind her hand.

"We were hoping you wouldn't wear it at all, really. Especially if you had another late night visitor," Marlene said, waggling her brows suggestively.

"You're mad," Lily blushed furiously. "Both of you."

"Yeah, yeah, you'll thank us when James's eyes fall out of his head when he sees you in this," Alice said, dodging Lily's weak attempt to smack her stomach.

"Be a good little slag for us when he comes to visit, alright?"

"Marlene!" Lily hissed, looking for Madam Pomfrey.

Marlene and Alice left Lily to go to class, making kissy faces and vulgar movements with their hips on their way out as Madam Pomfrey ran spell diagnostics over her again.

"Goodness dearie your temperature is a bit high, would you like some ice chips?"

"Yes please."

Lily smiled as she remembered James's lingering gaze on her nightgown. Marlene and Alice had been right about that at least. Her smile slipped from her face as Sloan's smug features took her place in her imagination. Lily crept from their dorm quietly, and snuck out to the owlery again. She was expecting a package from her parents, and needed the walk to clear her head.

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