-----> mind blowing news: chapter thirty-five

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It's been two fucking weeks. Two weeks and she still isn't here. Are the heroes even looking for her!

"Kacchan, what are we doing out here? We shouldn't be out of the dorms." Deku says from behind me. I stop in my tracks and turn to face him. Ever since the entrance exams, he hasn't left. He always seems to be around me and (y/n). Quite frankly, it's pissing me off.

"You remember this place, this arena. it's where you defeated me in the battle trials." I grit. "Ever since then, you have somehow grown with your so-called quirk. You never had a fucking quirk and now you just do? Tell me how you really got it."

"Kacchan, I'm telling you I didn't-" "Stop fucking lying!" I yell.

"It's always been you. Ever since we were young. You were always so mesmerised over my quirk, always wanted to become the number one hero. When we found out you had no quirk, you still persisted to be a hero. A quirkless hero? That makes me laugh. I was always so annoyed at you because of how weak you were, but so determined." I clench my fists. I hate him.

"You've been getting stronger, ever since All Might started to teach at this school. You've grown and I haven't. You have your hero license, I failed. This isn't right. You're not meant to be this strong and I shouldn't be this weak."

"It's not about strength and power, it's about your skill." He tells me.

"Shut up. You know that's not true." I hiss.

"You always act so different around All Might. During class and in training. All these incidents have made me realise something; your quirk isn't yours. You have borrowed it, like you said at the start of the year." I came to the conclusion. He doesn't reply or look at me. Now I know my theory is correct. He is still the quirkless Deku, but with a borrowed quirk.

"What are you going to do with my answer?" He asks.

"We both wanted be like All Might, but he saw you first. There's only one way to settle it and you aren't backing out this time." I say firmly. My hands let out small crackles of heat.


"Wait what? We don't have to do this." He frantically declines. I'm not waiting for him any longer. This is something we have to set right now and only now.

"We can fight during a training session."

"No, the teachers will stop us from going all out. We're doing it right here, right now." I demand. "I suggest keeping your guard up, unless you want to get hurt."

"Please, not here. We'll get caught." He pleads. His voices runs over me. My eyes fix onto him. I start to jog, then run. His eyes widen.

I start off with my 'signature' first attack; a right hook. I can see the hesitation in his eyes, it only made me want to punch him more. My fist collides with his cheek and scraps him across the ground. I run to attack him again but he manages to dodge. Lucky bastard.

"You better not read into this fight too much Deku. I'll get mad." I warn him. He freezes. I couldn't care less at this point. I attempt another attack flinging myself into the air, he follows.

"Come on and fight me!" I order harshly. I flick my leg towards his head, he flips underneath it in the right spot for me to explode him. He twists and merely dodges it. The explosion crashes into nearby buildings.

"Kacchan, your aspirations to become All Might aren't wrong okay? But you need to settle down." He calls out. He dodges another attack I throw at him. He has always been around me. No matter how much I reject him, want him to leave, he never does.

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