-----> silent plead: chapter thirty-four

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(y/n)'S P.O.V

Everything's a blur. I don't know what day it is, what time, what hour, what it's like outside. I struggle to breathe lying on my side. I can't move my legs and my stomach feels like it's been ripped out. My tongue lingers for taste and my body dies for nutrition and help. The door cracks open with no one other then Toga and Dabi.

"Look at her, she can't even move." Toga whines happily. I struggle to move the top half of my body.

"Come on now, why bother? All you have to do is answer the question correctly and we'll stop." Dabi simply states. I don't respond and stare at the wall. He sighs and clicks his fingers. I know what happens now. I look over at Toga, her face glows in excitement.

"Target practice time." She giggles. She pushes my body over on my back. All the past pain crawls to the surface. Her blades shine blindly in the light through the cracked bricks. I feel it all over again. The slashes, blood spill. I cry out in pain; no words leave my mouth as for there is none to yell. Tears rush down my face. I can't move. I can't yell. I can't plead. I can't do anything.

Fresh cuts are placed along my legs and one down my arm. I stare up at the ceiling and cry. They have both left me alone. It feels like it's been weeks in here, but then my brother would have been back. My eyes gradually get closer together, 'it's time to sleep' they tell me. I couldn't fight it, I let them close. Someone help me.


My sobs fill up the silence in the room. An eternity has passed down here. My skin is white and dry with stains of red. Puddles of my blood are circled around the room. I've managed to push myself up against a wall. My hand shakily grabs my top and lifts it up. My stomach was hot red with a dark purple gash across. I drop my arm down and back my head against the wall. Again, the door swings open with the same two villains.

"Congratulations! You've successfully survived a week here." Dabi sarcastically announces. My mind explodes, a week?

"Bet you're thinking that it's impossible. Well it isn't." Toga says. I already want to die. This place is hell. I can't stand another day here.

"I want, my brother." I try and call out croakily.

"So she can still speak, I'm impressed." Dabi comments. "But following on your request, he isn't here at the moment."

"Maybe we can send him a note?" Toga suggests.

"He said he'll be back any day now, let him take his sweet time." Dabi says. Toga flashes me one of her unforgettable smiles before they both leave the room. I breath heavily and rapidly. My body can't take any of this anymore.

"Tomura!" I scream out before collapsing.

I hear a massive explosion from outside my field of thought. I painfully turn my head towards the door and open my eyes. God how my eyes sting. Someone slams the door open and runs up towards me. I couldn't move. My body forbidden me to.

"(y/n), what happened?" A croaky voice asks me in worry.

"Toga. Dabi." I whisper out weakly. He gently picks me up and rests me against a wall. My eyes fix onto his, my brother. He gives me a glass of water which I take as fast as I could I gulp it down.

"Thank you." I whisper tiredly.

"Please (y/n), just join me." He pleads.

"You know I can't. I've got friends, I've got Jaylin, I've gotten into the hero course, I have Katsuki. I can't just throw that all away." I slowly speak. "Why can't you stop being a villain? Join the course."

"I can't just do that. I have a reputation here. I'm the leader of the League of Villains. I don't see heroes like you see them. They don't help people like us. they won't help me." He sadly replies.

"I hate seeing you like this little sister, I wish it would stop for you, but I can't stop it. They'll come after me and you if I helped you escape." He adds on.

"Let's just hope I get saved then." I let out with a sigh.


How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Maybe even months? I stopped counting a long time ago. My hope is slowly dying away. My legs and arms are now purple with red gashes spreading widely across my figure. My stomach is twitching, up and down, I can't feel most of my body but whenever I do, it's all pain.

"All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces." I sing weakly.

"Bright and early for the daily races, going nowhere, going nowhere." My throat lets all the words flow out against a bunch of rocks. I cough roughly. Why haven't they found me yet? I don't want to be here.

"Their tears are filling up their glasses, no expression, no expression."

"Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow, no tomorrow, no tomorrow."

"And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad."

"The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had."

"I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take."

"When people run in circles it's a very, very; mad world.

"Mad world."

Song: Mad World, Riverdale casts

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