-----> all i know are now villains: chapter thirty-six

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(y/n)'S P.O.V

"All we ever hear from you is blah blah blah, so all we ever do is go ya ya ya."

"And we don't even care about what they say cause it's ja ja ya ya, blah blah blah blah." I sing loudly.

"Shut up! You're a pain in the ass." I hear Dabi growl. I giggle and sway my head side to side on the floor. I hear feet approach my door. Multiple feet exactly. The door swings open revealing two people, one was Toga and the other wore a mask. It was a male. He had green hair and a slim but slight built figure. His pulls off his mask. My heart stops.

"Izuku?" I whisper. His lips curl into a smile.

"Yes (y/n), it's me." He responds. I am lost for words what is he doing here?

"Well this is awkward." Toga freely speaks.

"Toga, will you excuse the two of us. we need to have a little chat." He kindly asks turning his gaze back to me. She nods happily and skips out of the room with the door closing behind her.

"Izuku, what are you doing here?" I ask him. He crouches near me and gently brushes my face.

"Come on, put the pieces together, I know you're smart enough to figure it out." He gently whispers.

"I know why you're here, I just want to make sure that it's true, even if I don't want it to."

"Well it seems like it's true. It's a real shame this has happened."

"How? What happened? You were always so in love with heroes when we were younger." I reply thinking of all the limited moments with him.

"Well that all changed just over a year ago by All Might." He sighs sadly. By All Might, what did he do?

"I know that face from anywhere. You want to know how it started."

"Why wouldn't I want to know?" I ask him. He sits back against a wall and tells me every detail from day one. I don't want to believe it. How could All Might say that?

"Heroes are cruel (y/n). Not all of them are like what you see or hear." He finishes off. I couldn't move. Even if I wanted to I couldn't. Everything is either numb or in agonizing pain.

"Was everything that you showed and said to me a lie? Were you ever my friend to begin with?" I whisper out trying to hold back the tears forming.

"Of course they were true. To be fair I've liked you since we were young. I just wished that you didn't come to UA so you'd be trapped in this mess." He answers. "You're the only person I would protect at the hero school."

"What about the others?"

"They don't mean anything to me. Only you do. You gave me hope and purpose, loved me for who I was and stayed with me until you got dragged away." There was a mix set of emotions running through me. Anger. Sympathy. Grief. Sadness.

"What do you want then Izuku?"

"I want you to be happy and not here in this torture. Please just say yes and join me. Join us. I had a little incident with Kacchan and All Might so they know about me. But All Might isn't doing anything about you right now." Izuku tells me.

"What incident with Katsuki." I say straight after. Izuku sighs and stands up.

"He wanted to fight me because of the guilt he has and that he wasn't strong enough to save you and All Might from retiring. He also let out that I'm getting stronger which was such a lovely compliment from him. He managed to pin me down until All Might came to the recuse." He informs sarcastically.

"How did they react?" I hesitantly ask.

"It was priceless! Their faces were so shocked and speechless." Izuku laughs. Tears start to well up in my eyes. This isn't the Izuku I know and love.

"I want you to leave." I mutter. He stops and looks down at me.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I want you to leave." I recall bitterly. "You aren't the same and I can't bare to see you live as a villain by choice. It's too much." I cry. He doesn't say anything. I hear the door lightly close leaving me in this cold empty room. I start to cry harder. What did I do to deserve this? Someone please, save me.


Out of everything that has happened, I hope my little sister is doing okay. I hate seeing her locked away, cut and weak. I can't do anything about it, I'm the leader of the League of Villains and I can't break that. I hear her sing the lullaby that I would sing her when we were in the orphanage.

"Shigaraki, Dabi is threatening to kill her if she doesn't stop singing." Toga tells me. I groan loudly and walk over to where they both are.

"Can I? She is killing me with her constant singing." Dabi requests.

"No, it's just singing. You seriously can't be that overwhelmed by singing." I scoff. He throws his head back against he wall and bangs harshly on the door.

"Shut up!" He demands viciously. Her singing turns into hums. I could tell she couldn't last another week in there. She is too stubborn to join. I hear a faint explosion coming from the main room. I look over at Dabi with a confused face. We both leave and cautiously walk to where we heard the explosion. I eyes glow up not in joy, but in shock. The pros are here.

"Where is she?" Endeavour demands by the villains in front of him.

"We need to go." I declare.

"What about your sister?" Dabi asks. I glance back at the room.

"Leave her. She won't join and she'll just die if we keep her any longer. Her and Bakugou both know about Midoriya joining the League of Villains, so they won't come attacking us any time soon." I tell him. He nods in agreement and looks for the exit door.

"Everyone scatter!" He yells. The heroes snap their focus to our area. We all run and hide from the heroes to not get caught. We can't fight them here. Not now we can't. Soon little sister, I'll be back to get you again. I won't be drawn apart from you for the second time.

(y/n)'S P.O.V

An explosion? Big bang. My eyes aren't focused. I see spinning wheels. My voice is lost. I can't call. I can't scream. My body aches; aches warmth, healing, hope. A door slams open. My eyes ring. My breaths are rough and shallow.

"Oh my god."

"Hurry up and get her!"

I wanted to scream when I feel my body getting lifted. At this point I just wanted to die. It seems less painful to. A splash of cold air crashes against my body. Am I finally free? I don't want this to be a dream. I just want to see him again.

well there you have it, you're finally rescued!

I'm going to try and upload whenever I can but studying and sport do take up majority of my free time after school.

thankyou for everyone who've said they've loved the story so far 🥰🥰

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