-----> cavalry battle: chapter seventeen

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"For the next game is a Cavalry Battle." Midnight booms to everyone clearly. I am confused on what this game is, I've never heard of it.

"How it works, everyone will go into a group of four with three at the bottom and the other sitting on top. You'll all have a set time to gather as many points as you can from the other teams. The way the points will work were decided on last games round. The highest, being first place is worth a million points!" She yells out. Everyone turns towards Izuku. He almost shrinks in fear with everyone evilly smirking at him.

"You have fifteen minutes to organise groups to think of a plan." Midnight tells us. Many of the students quickly scatter and avoid Izuku for being the top prize. I feel a hand roughly grab my wrist and drag me away from the crowd of people.

"You're on my team, got it?" Bakugou declares.

"What if I don't want to be on your team?" I question.

"I won't take that for an answer, you're on my team." He defends firmly.

"You're lucky I want to be on your team for this game." I mutter quietly to myself. I hope he didn't hear so that his ego wouldn't build up, but I see a small smirk appear on his face. God dammit.

In a blink of an eye, everyone swarms myself and Bakugou begging us to pick them for our team. I try to stay close to Bakugou since the crowd of students were on the rough side about getting picked. It seems like Bakugou got the same vibe when he secretly slides his arm around my waist so I don't get pushed away.

"Can you all shut up for a second." I snap sharply. The volume calms down and everyone stares at us intensively.

"Remind me what your quirks are again, and your names." Bakugou shouts out. I mentally face palm.

"Dude, seriously we are some of your classmates." Ashido sets out.

"Alright, we are picking Kirishima and Ashido." I declare lazily. Their faces shoot up happily and almost tumble me over. I quickly unwrap Bakugou's arm off me and quickly embrace Ashido's sudden tight hug. Everyone sighs and walks off to find their own team with ten minutes left.

"Thank you (y/n)!" Ashido says happily tightening the hug.

"Ashido, lungs, hug, breathe." I gasp out. She quickly let's go and I grab heavy amounts of oxygen.

"Sorry (y/n), and please call me Mina!" She perks up. Now that we have our group, we need to think of a plan.

"What's the formation going to be?" I ask the group.

"I'm obviously going to be capturing the points." Bakugou scoffs crossing his arms over his chest.

"I personally think either you or me go in front and Mina stays back." I say to Kirishima.

"What do you guys think, I can scream and use my quirk to create walls around us and my scream to ball people over, but Kirishima is literally a human shield." I say to Mina and Bakugou.

"Wouldn't Bakugou be, heavy?" Mina squeezes out.

"No, I wouldn't think so." I reply with a bit of thought looking at his figure.

"I don't care who goes at the front or back, I just want to get to Deku." Bakugou grits through his teeth.

"I'll go back, I can cover us from behind with the grounds rock." I declare to the team. We get into formation with Kirishima at the front, myself and Mina behind him with Bakugou sitting on top of us. We have two minutes to try and devise a plan for the time we have.

"Get Deku." Bakugou states.

"No that would be stupid. Everyone will go for him; we'll just glide around swiping other teams bands until there is five minutes left. That's when we'll attack him, it's better to stay safe." I suggest.

"I agree with (y/n); we need to keep our position and points for the last round." Kirishima backs up.

"Whatever." Bakugou huffs in defeat. I see Midnight walk up to her stand, her heels clap against the smooth concrete floor.

"Your time is up, let the Cavalry Battle begin!"

Everyone's doing as they're told; we float around secretly grabbing their bands when they weren't looking. We are currently ranked second with our points. I notice a group from class 1B sneak up around us. It was Monoma's team. I quickly activate my quirk with my feet and create a wall between us. I hear his laugh from over the wall.

"We've got company." I say to Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou. Our attention turns towards Monoma's team, who snuck around my wall and starts to run straight for us. Everything is happening so fast, one minute they're running, the next a massive explosion goes off right in Bakugou's face.

"What the fuck?" I call out in surprise. That's Monoma's quirk? He taps my shoulder which causes me to naturally turn around. He opened his mouth and let out a high pitch scream. I cover my ears in pain until Bakugou lets off an explosion right to Monoma's face. We start to run away until we were safe of his group.

"(y/n), are you alright?"  Mina asks in worry. I look at my hands and see fresh blood splattered over my hands. His quirk is some sort of copy quirk huh?

"Yeah, I should be fine." I reply back softly. Noise starts to hurt my ears, all the loud bangs and shocks of peoples quirks ring painfully through my ears. I start to get irritated.

"Come on, let's go." I say confidently trying to hide the pain. We have only two minutes left and we cautiously made our way close to Izuku's team. They were currently in a hot situation with Todoroki's team by the looks of it.

"Run straight for them and use your quirk for a shield Kirishima. I'll block them from the sides and Mina takes behind. Bakugou, just do what you do best." I demand. Everyone agrees and we take off. I set walls and sharp hills around us while Mina creates acid behind us. Both of the teams notice us coming, Izuku starts to panic but Todoroki acts fast. A gigantic ice wall circles around him and Izuku's team, leaving us out.

"Come on, we can break through the wall." Mina yells for courage. We charge through the wall with the quirk of mainly Kirishima's quirk and burst through. A hot resistance flew out from Todoroki's contact with Izuku and blow all of us away. All of us dig our feet into the dirt to stop ourselves from tipping over.

"Your time is up!" Midnight announces loudly. I look at the score board seeing we are still second. Izuku seems to be shaking and on the verge of tears.

"It's alright Midoriya." I over hear Tokoyami say as he reveals a band of seven hundred points. The score board changes and slots Midoriya's team in forth place.

"The top four teams will commence to the next round. Can all other students please make their way to their classes seats." Midnight says. Her voice is still muffled through my ears. I cup my ears and check my hands. Blood starts to cover my palms.

"Go to Recovery Girl." Bakugou says behind me. I turn around and face him.

"No, I'm fine."

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